House Hunting & Answered Prayers!

First of all let me say that today's house viewing appointment went well and was fruitful, although we do have to wait 2 wks to move in as it's a new build and still being completed. Then I want to tell you how we arrived at this point...
Back in May when we found out we were moving to AL I was immediately concerned with where our 7th grader would go to school. This caused house hunting issues because we could've lived on base if there was a spot at ACA for him but not if there wasn't a spot. So I decided I was NOT going to stress about the move and schooling issues, I was going to do all the research I could do and then lift it all up to God in prayer. We found out in Aug that there was Not a spot for Boo at ACA.
I started my research and found an area in Timbuktu (real names of cities won't be used) that had a great public school system. We started looking online exclusively in this area BUT my prayer was that God would provide the Right house, at the Right time, and the Right school district, whatever and whenever that would be.
As we were getting closer and closer to arriving in AL we noticed that there were really no houses for us to look at. We really wanted a 4 Bdrm but realized we could probably cram into a 3 bdrm if necessary. Here in AL the rent is higher than BAH (what we get for housing from the military) so we were trying to also find an 'affordable' house to rent as well. We only want to rent because we only plan on being here for 2 years and then head back overseas if we can.
So our list of houses to look at consisted of 3 way out in the middle of nowhere, 1 in a school district we didn't really want because all 3 kids would be in 3 different schools, and 1 that just had renters move out that messed the place up. As I was scouring websites I ran upon a house in a different school district that we decided we could consider. So Mr. B called the realtor and found out that the house had just been rented, drats! But that the realtor had another one literally a lot down from it that wasn't listed yet because it was 2 wks from being finished.
We decided to go look at it because it seemed to have so many great features and with the military discount for rent that the contractor offered it was a house that we could afford. So we went and checked out the house today and decided that it was THE house, it has so many things to offer that it just seemed to be the Right house. Even though it isn't the school district we were originally considering I'm happy with the schools, we checked out the elementary today and will be enrolling Boo in a private school tomorrow.
Thankfully God opened up our hearts to be willing to look outside of the limitations we had imposed on ourselves and our house hunting search!
Now for the house itself! It's a 4 bdrm 2 1/2 bath house with bonus room, dinning room & breakfast nook, with 2 car garage! It's 2500 sq ft which is way more than we've ever had! It's on a quite street near a cul-da-sac where the kids can play. Not only that it is affordable and even cheaper than some of the other options we had listed, and they were less sq ft, further out, ect. We're looking forward to it being completed and getting to move our stuff in!
Well Praise The Lord!! I know this is a huge burden lifted off y'alls back! You'll have to post pics as soon as you can!!
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