Youth Rally Part 2
Saturday we spent the rest of the afternoon bowling, touring the BX and eating a Japanese favorite Pizza Hut! Then after a few games of Skip-Bo we spent a hour just talking. It has been a great experience having them stay with us this weekend.
Today (Sunday) we went to church, ate lunch provided there, and then took them to the Weasel's Den for some putt-putt golf before they had to head to the train station. Another interesting thing we learned this week is that they have been friends for 10 years! How neat to get to do something like this with a good friend. It makes me miss my friends :( I hope we are able to keep in touch with them through email.
Truthfully, I was a bit nervous about the weekend. Questions like 'What should we feed them?', 'How do we entertain them?' and 'Will they enjoy the weekend here?' often crossed my mind. I was also a bit frustrated that I had the house to get ready, the beds to prepare, and the kids kept making messes while I was doing it. Thankfully I got it all completed before we had to leave. And surprisingly enough the weekend has gone great and I would do it again in a heartbeat, although I am exhausted now that it's over. They are so easy going and have been fun chatting with. I only hope they've enjoyed the experience as much as we have.

Me & Bea with them

Boo & the girls

The kids with the girls

Mr. B bowling

Bubby with the girls

Playing a favorite of ours Skip-Bo

Drinking Ginger Ale & Coke
Labels: Japan, Youth Rally
Looks like they had a blast. I was going to suggest a good 'ole Karaoke night at Club Capalad's but I know that's like hearing nails on a chalk board. Overall, it looks like a successful weekend!
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