Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life as a Grad Student...and more

Wow, just when I was getting back into a good rhythm of blogging, wham life happened!  Funny how it always seems to do that!  

This week has been intense as it's the final week for the 2 Grad classes I'm in.  So I've been spending all my 'spare' time on taking a Final exam and writing a super long paper...I'm currently at 40 pages and counting...I hope to be finished with it tonight so I can have a few days off before the next 2 start on Monday (!).  The good news is that I'll have 4 classes completed with 6 more to go before graduating!  Yippee!

Time sure seems to be flying by!  And at this rate I'll be done in no time (Dec 2009) BUT the end of the year also signifies some big changes for us so while I'm ready for it to be here, I am also not know how it is.

Bea has been doing AMAZING and I'm so thankful for all the prayers and inquires we've had about her.  She has a post-op appointment late this afternoon so I hope to blog about it tomorrow.  One of the things I am thankful for his her attitude about it all, she is dealing with the whole thing in an amazing manner.  It is so great to see God walking with her during this time.  She HATES eye drops, and I mean with a passion!  She cries and squeezes shut her eyes when eye drops were needed BUT since the surgery we've had to give her eye drops 4 times a day and she's been doing it without any crying or problems!  The first day (few hours after the surgery) she was a bit wary but I don't blame her because her eyes were hurting and such.  After that initial night we have not had 1 problem...God is so good!  

I do have to say that the other day I had a gut-wrenching, near pass out moment.  For those who know me well I know I don't do well seeing my loved ones in pain, bleeding, ect. and it can cause me to feel like I'm going to pass out.  During heat of the moment stuff, such as Boo severing his fingers and lots of blood, I am fine because the adrenaline is pumping through nicely, but when it catches me off guard it's no good.  Anyhow back to the original near pass out moment.  Monday before school Bea was up on the counter in my bathroom trying to look in her eye, she kept saying something was in there and I thought she was talking about an eyelash so I went to tell her to keep her fingers away from her eye.  Just as I walk in she has her lower lid pulled down of the left eye and is is looking to the right and up, and I seen it!  What is it you ask?  It must've been were the Dr detached the muscle from her eye and moved it as it was a lumpy indention looking spot on her eyeball!  I can't even describe it, it was intense!  So that night I asked Mr. B if he wanted to see it, and of course being curious he did.  After he seen it he wished he hadn't so I'm glad it wasn't just me!  I thought about trying to take a picture of it but I can't...I just can't force myself to look at it again!  Trust me you wouldn't want to see it anyway!  Today at the Dr. appt I will not be watching her if she exams that part of the eye!  

Well I guess it's back to the grind of schoolwork, I had a nice little blogging break but I need to keep focused on getting this paper D-O-N-E!  Wish me luck! :D  


At May 7, 2009 at 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture of the eye!! LOL!



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