Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Build A Bear With Mr. B

Last month we took the kids (Bubby & Bea, Boo would be horrified if we said he made a 'bear') to Build-A-Bear. Mr. B helped them to choose, stuff, and dress their chosen 'bears.' It was great fun...and yes this is post is a long time coming ;) Here are some pics to enjoy:

The kids getting their stuffed animals hearts ready
Mr. B with Bea and her Hanna Montana Bear, freshly stuffed
Mr. B with Bubby and his newly stuffed puppy
Mr. B helping Bea dress Hanna
Mr. B helping Bubby dress his puppy Barracuda

This picture is hilarious! Boo wanted to go get a shake instead of hanging out in Build-A-Bear. Since the food court is right next to the store we let him. The hilarious part was that he was walking around like this for 10 minutes before I noticed and took the pic!!

Boo wishing he could get the heck out of Build-A-Bear before anyone sees him, LOL!
Bea with Hanna all dressed up
Bubby with is finished friend
Mr. Bea & the kids
Mr. B & Boo (with a now shake-free nose!)
Mr. B & I
Registering their stuffed friends, Mr. B helps Bea while Boo helps Bubby.
Then we headed off to Olive Garden for dinner, the kids were excited as they LOVE to eat there!
Bea and I eating our yummy dinner!


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