Monday, August 3, 2009

It Must Be Monday....

Today was supposed to be one of the few last mornings of 'relaxing' as school starts at the end of the week for the kids, instead it ended up being a morning of problem solving and almost panic. The kids started the school bedtime routine last night, which was great but it meant that everyone was up super early ready to start the day...It must be Monday!

Bea came downstairs with Bubby's 'toy' handcuffs on her ankles. They were tight and she wanted help getting them off. Might I mention that these are not the typical 'toy' handcuffs that are made of plastic but are made of metal and look like the real thing except that they have a safety release. So I go to take them off and Voila! the first one opens. Then I attempt to remove the 2nd one and I realize the safety release is broken! I call the boys and they both take turns trying and remind me that the key are lost....It must be Monday!

They are so tight that she can't even walk! I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have to take her to the hospital to get them removed. I make attempts removing them with a butter knife and a screwdriver, no luck. I call Mr. B who tells me if I can't get them off he'll come home and saw them off, yeah not going to happen...way too dangerous for our family to attempt something risky like that! It must be Monday!

I call the boys down and explain the severity of the situation, that if we can't get them off we'll be making a trip to the local hospital to get them removed. Bubby heads to his room to make an attempt to find the keys that have been lost for ages, I head to the garage looking for tools to help me remove them, Bea is crying that she doesn't want to go to the hospital, and Boo is trying to get the handcuffs off....It must be Monday!

As I'm walking back in from the garage Boo had finally managed to get them off. He came up with the great idea of using the other handcuff (the one that wasn't attached to her leg any longer) to pry the safety latch on the stuck one. After several attempts he managed to set her free! I could see how tight they were by the dark red lines on her legs....It must be Monday.

Another reminder of it being Monday (and before school has started!) here I sit at 7:41 am writing a blog post when I should still be snuggled in my warm bed relaxing the morning away! Noting like being woken up at 7 am to a child trapped by a pair of 'toy' handcuffs....It HAS to be Monday!
The 'toy' handcuffs that caused all the craziness this morning!

The marks on the back of Bea's leg...and this is 5-10 minutes after removal! I didn't even think to take a picture until I was out walking the dog afterwards and was thinking why does this crazy stuff always happen to us? Apparently Monday was going to be a little too boring so we needed to start it with a bang!


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