Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Spin Me Right Round...

Baby, right round, like a record, baby right round, round, round!

That pretty much sums up life right now, my head is spinning like crazy with all that is going on!

First and foremost we are MOVING, nope not overseas, well not yet at least...but we did FINALLY get a house on base! We've been on the waiting list since March 2009. While the house is not originally where I wanted, we actually got something better than we anticipated. So we'll be moving VERY soon, within the next month!

Our soon to be 'new to us' house

Secondly, there is going to be some BIG changes with me. Next Tuesday I'm getting BRACES! Hilarious huh?! It's only going to be the top set for 4-6 months while they make room for the bottom braces. I've included some pics, if you don't like looking at teeth, walk away...Bubby couldn't look at them, they freaked him out!

While I was a bit wary about posting the pictures as I feel it makes me so vulnerable to expose my flaws, I figured, why not? This will be the last time you see 'these' teeth!

When I met with the dentist today he said the wear on the bottom front teeth is so bad if nothing was done they may need crowns, I sure hope we caught it in time as they are already sensitive from time to time!

This will be a 21-24 month journey, the kids are excited and we've been eating all my 'lasts' for the next 2 years: popcorn (especially movie theater popcorn, yummy!), corn nuts, and pretty much anything hard....that's gonna be weird! And I can't chew gum...I don't know how I'll make it 2 years without that?! Nothing like a little adventure to spice things up right? LOL!

My first and I daresay only mugshot, LOL!! All I'm missing is a cardboard sign with a number, LOL!!
Me before braces, it's a bit fuzzy as it's the Ortho's photos I had to scan in
My skull! Boo & Bea got a kick out of this one
Another x-ray view
The ugly....Bubby couldn't look at these, they freaked him out, LOL! I will say that taking these pics was a bit uncomfortable...not only personally awkward but physically as well. They shoved a big ole mirror in my tiny ole mouth and took the pictures while I pulled my gums away with a medieval looking device, LOL! Can you see why my bottom teeth are worn down? They rub against the top ones EVERYTIME I open and close my mouth, that's a LOT of wear on these teeth, probably 15+ years worth!

Anyways this is the last time you'll be seeing these suckers outta place, here's to a new smile headed my way!


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