Happy New Year 2011!
Welcome to the New Year, it's 1/1/11 today! I've got my sights set on the horizon and all that 2011 has to offer! We were very blessed in 2010 and I know 2011 is going to be an adventure as well!
So what goals do you have for the New year? I really am not fond of the word resolutions...I think it's way overused and too easily abandoned ;)
My Goals this year:
To give more to others: Family, Friends, Neighbors, & Strangers
To finish my Photography class...even though I have 2 1/2 yrs left that I 'could' use to finish it
To start my Photoshop class by the start of March
To successfully complete a few newborn photography sessions
To continue my spiritual growth, this last year has been amazing!
My Biggest Hope for 2011?
That we get orders sometime this year, and even better that it doesn't require a year deployment to get them....
No, AL is not that bad. We have friends here, a great church, but living Stateside is NOTHING like living overseas...you'd have to have 'done it' to fully understand what I mean.
The kids are now in good schools (after the initial first year mess with the younger 2) BUT private school tuition is NOT cheap and we face the reality of having 2 in private school in the next few years...that in itself is scary!
We've been here 2 years and 2 months...this time....if you add our previous tour of 4 years, we're at over 6 years here in AL! You know what they say...too much of anything can be a bad thing and it's starting to feel like we're getting close to the too much mark. But I know we're here for a reason and I try to remain positive that He will have other plans for us soon!
Recap of 2010
What happened in 2010? I'll try to sum it up with a quick re-cap...
Mom came to visit in Jan, I think we can now officially call her an AL tourist with all her trips down over the past 6 years, LOL!
Jan- I found out that after YEARS of having swallowing issues that I really had a problem...esophageal stinososis, that would require an out-patient surgery to correct it.
In Jan I also got braces! Only the uppers, the lowers didn't get put on until Nov.
The kids and I did a self-move to a house on base in Feb (hard to believe it'll be a year in Feb!)
I subbed full-time for 6 wks right after moving into the house, I know crazy right?!
I learned that I am capable of way more that I even thought I was and while the deployment wasn't necessarily 'fun' or 'easy' I learned that by leaning on Him all is endurable :)
May brought the 1 year mark of Bubby getting allergy shots, that's a whole LOTTA allergy shots!
Then May brought excitement as Mr. B came home from Afghanistan on Mother's day, it was the best gift after 8 long months!
In June I had my EDG procedure and it has truly changed my life, I now have NO problems swallowing and I've overcoming my fear of swallowing pills that was associated with them getting stuck in my throat!
We made a 2 week trip to WV in June to visit family, the kids had a blast hanging out with their cousins and we enjoyed visiting with family.
July brought the Missoula Children's Theater to Maxwell and Bea got a part in Pinocchio!
We had some great visits with several friends who came through the school on-base this year and enjoyed their company and the memories...it felt just like old times :)
In August Mr. B & I lead our first small group, it was a great experience!
We went on an our first cruise to Calica & Cozumel, Mexico. It was great to get away for a vacation!
We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving & Christmas with Mr. B at home this year
And BEST of all I'm happy to say that this year was free of broken bones/surgeries/major injuries for the kids!! Wahoo! I'm still not sure how we pulled that one off! ;p
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