Friday, June 20, 2008
Japanese guys squatting and waiting to perform an act, it was a 5-10 minute part of the parade that they stopped and did every so often

2 guys acting like they are fighting/wrestling

This poor American kids got dragged into the action, I can only imagine what he was thinking!

Rear view shot (literally) I have no idea what or who they were supposed to be, we were thinking Sumo but then realized they are way to skinny to be Sumo. Thankfully it was a warm day so they wouldn't get too chilly!

So I got to field many questions from my kids such as "Why are they wearing diapers?", "How do they walk around like that?", "Why are they walking around like that?" and "Why can we see their booty?" Gotta love kids ;) Mr. B had missed the action because he was away at training for a few weeks so I had to take pics, because I wanted him to see what he had missed.
Gotta love the Japanese! (And I do!)
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