Ashigezaki Scenic Viewpoint
Tanesashi is a nice scenic coastline with a hiking trail and old fort-like structure. It's a great place to spend a few hours and take some great pictures. The fort like structure is called Ashigezaki View Point. We've been there several times and most recently took family there for a visit. There is also a little place their that sells our favorite outing treat, soft serve ice cream :) It's really close to seagull island so you can visit both in one trip. We often also stop by the Hachinohe fish market after here as well, on our way back to Misawa.

View from window of fort

Another view from fort window

View of coast

Can you see my obsession with the fort windows?

View of the fort

Us in the fort with Poppie & Omah, using tripod to take pic :)

My current favorite pic, it's currently our desktop pic on the iMac

Coastline pic
Labels: Japan, Tanesashi coast, Travel
RE: kids clothes: I read this thing online that was about taming clutter, and according to that expert kids need something like 10 short sleeved shirts, 10 long sleeved, 7 pairs of shorts, etc etc. I'm using that as a guide for my packing. I think it would definitely get you through a month. I can look for the url if you think you want to use her list.
I love those fort windows. They look like little postcards stuck to the rock wall. Your pics make me want to go to Japan!!
Great pics!
I love those fort windows!
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