Memorable Car Ride Moments

Yesterday riding in Mr. B's car to and from church with the kids I was reminded why it is so 'fun' for a family of 5 to ride in a 5 seater car.
On the way home from church Bea was wanting to put her head on Boo's shoulder (who sits in the middle so Bubby won't bother Bea and vice versa) and Boo was being silly and wouldn't let her. We finally told him to sit still for a few minutes and just let her rest her head. A few minutes later we hear this:
Boo: "Ewww!"
Us: "What?"
Boo: "Bea just licked her toe and stuck it in my ear!"
Us: Laughing
Me thinking 'wow she's flexible' and 'she had to have gotten that from Mr. B!' LOL!
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