Pumpkin Carving 101: What NOT to do UPDATED
**UPDATE at bottom
Well this was supposed to be a nice little post with pics of the kids and their pumpkins...guess not...sigh.
It all started with the Pumpkin Patch at Bea's school where she got to bring home a pumpkin yesterday. Then since it was here she wanted to carve it, which her and Mr. B did. This caused Bubby to want a pumpkin of his own to carve, so Mr. B told him he'd get him one today.
As promised Mr. B arrived home from work with a pumpkin for both Bubby and Boo. After dinner Bubby successfully drew his pumpkin face and carved it with success.
Boo had drew his face on and was carving it while Mr. B and I watched him from the kitchen table. He had just stopped carving and walked over to tell us something and then returned to his masterpiece. A few seconds later he yells I cut myself. We jump up and walk around the sink to him. The serrated steak knife was sticking out of the pumpkin and when he went to grab it out he missed the handle and grabbed the blade!
His pinky and 3rd finger were cut and bleeding badly. We quickly wrapped it in a towel and elevated it above his heart. After looking at the badly cut fingers it was decided he needed to make a visit to the ER where he and Mr. B are at this moment. His pinky looked the worst it was a deep, wide gash and we could see white something.
I am now anxiously awaiting an update from Mr. B, he and Boo are in the ER and waiting for the Dr.
My post with pumpkins and pics will have to wait until tomorrow as right now the thought of pumpkins is making my stomach knot up!
So I would say do NOT use a serrated steak knife, and make sure you grab the handle! And to think we were gonna skip pumpkins this year...if it hadn't been for that darn pumpkin patch at school!
I'll update later....
They were at the ER for a little over 3 hours in which time a lady peed on the floor by them and a bum came in looking for food, so it was a fun experiance! He ended up with 7 stiches BUT they think he severed his tendon as he can't fully bend his ring finger so we need to go see a hand specialist and see if surgery is required...ugh! His 2 fingers are currently stitched and splinted, so he can't use them.
Now off to see what we need to do to get the referral the ER doc wants him to the hand speicalist in 3-5 days and with 2 of those days being a weekend we need to get moving on this.
No more knives for Damon!! ha! I'm praying everything comes out okay~
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