Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why, Oh Why Is There A Pain In My Eye?

Well Bea's eye to be more specific....

Yesterday about 45 mins before school got out Bea was cleaning up and she accidentally poked/paper cut her EYEBALL!  They took her to the nurse but she couldn't open her eye (too painful and watering too much) and she was crying.  They called me to come get her and luckily I was just outside in the massive carpool line.  

It was so sad when I seen her, her whole eye was red including the outside around it.  She couldn't open either eye because if she opened her good one the other one tried to open as well.  Her eye was constantly watering.  She cried in the car for an hour during our car run to pick up the kids and finally wore herself out enough to fall asleep.  I called the Dr. to try to determine if I should take her in to look at it or not.

When we got home I carried her in and she woke up an was still fussing about the pain and not being able to open the eye, so we made her a temporary eye patch like the school nurse suggested.  I had also researched it online (imagine that!) and found that eye cuts/abrasions/scratches generally heal within 48 hours and eye patching would help.

After watching cartoons for an hour with her eye patch she took it off and we were excited to find that she could now open her eye!  It was still very red and watering but not as bad as before.  So I decided to see how it goes overnight, this morning she is doing great and has no pain!

I guess if anything bizarre can happen it's gonna happen to us...

Here are some pics of my poor baby girl yesterday, don't mind the crazy hair, she had took it out after school and put a headband in and I wasn't going to make her fix it feeling so bad

Her poor eye
Our temporary eye patch, although she wanted to know where the string was like a pirate's eye patch, LOL!


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