Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Kids Thanksgiving 2009
Us Thanksgiving 2009, we went for a 'brown' theme :)

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope ya'll had a good one!

We had an interesting one here, and it was a great 'adventure' for us. This year we decided to be
very non-traditional celebrating Thanksgiving. Normally we spend Thanksgiving having a 'traditional' meal with friends (as we are generally not near family). This year was very different though, and I will have to admit that we did have a generous offer to hang out with friends but it just wouldn't have been 'right' this year, so alternative plans were made. Now before you go getting all concerned about the kids missing out on a Thanksgiving meal, hold that thought. We did have a traditional style Thanksgiving meal in Oct, so they are NOT deprived ;)

This year we decided that we would go eat at a restaurant and give the waitress a BIG tip. So yesterday Boo & Bubby spent some time calling several restaurants until we found one that would be open on Thanksgiving. We now knew we would be heading to IHOP. Several weeks ago when this plan had started forming, I started praying that we would get just the right waitress that the tip would really be a blessing to her day. So Thanksgiving day we head to IHOP around noon and the kids & I all prayed in the car that we would be able to positively impact the right person's life with the tip.

It worked out great the restaurant only had 4 tables filled, so there was no waiting and plenty of space, although it did start to get more crowded as we were leaving. I had already told the kids that the waitress we got was getting the big tip, even if she was having a bad day and her service was terrible, it wasn't about that but doing something for someone else. Luckily our waitress was great and went out of her way to take care of us. We ate our food and ordered hot fudge sundaes for all of us.

When it came time to leave the tip we had to wait for her to come back to the table, as I really was not comfortable leaving that large of a bill on the table and walking away, hoping that she would be the one to get it...especially with it starting to get crowded. So we waited for her to come back. She came over and asked if we needed anything else (we already had the food bill to go pay up front) and I told her no we just wanted to make sure she got the tip and I handed her the large tip. She pointed to the food bill and asked if I wanted her to go pay it with the large tip, and I told her no that was for her and I would go pay up front. She was nothing less than stunned, and asked "this is the tip?!" When I replied "yes" she hugged me and I told her "Happy Thanksgiving."

We went up front to pay (even got a military discount!) and then I took Bea to the restroom. Bubby & Boo were sitting on the bench in lobby and they could see our waitress through the glass windows. When we came out of the restroom the boys told me how the waitress was so excited she went over and showed one of the other waitresses. Then two other waitresses came over to see what the fuss was and she showed them as well. I don't know how the tip will impact her day or her holiday season but I do know that it sure made the kids & I smile, so it was well worth it!

I addition to the thousands of other things I am thankful for today I am thankful that we were able to make someone's day just a bit brighter and that I was able to be obedient to what I felt God was telling me to do.


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