Japan Day
Each year Edgren High School hosts a Japan day. Local Japanese folks come and set up booths for us Americans. Some of the things that we've done at Japan day are: making a paper kite, making pottery, watching Taiko drummers, dressing in kimonos/samurai gear, getting name written in Japanese, looking and Japanese wooden masks, and flowers, and much more. It's a great way to get to experience so many aspects of the Japanese culture. In return we Americans host an American day once a year for the Japanese. There is also a food booth outside where you can buy yummy yakisoba (noodles) and yakitori (chicken on a stick).

Us in front of a Nabuta festival float

These pics crack me up! Bubby


Japanese kid Taiko drummers

Close up and they were good!

Bea with her pottery project

Bubby with his pottery

Boo with his pottery
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