Japanese Homestay Program
We've been able to participate in a really neat program here in Japan called the Japanese Homestay program. We did it 2 years in a row through the base the first time when Boo was 9 years old. During the homestay program Boo stayed a weekend with a Japanese family at their home and the next weekend we hosted the Japanese boy(s) here. I have to admit the first year I was nervous sending Boo off with a Japanese family who spoke little English for the whole weekend, but he survived and had a great time. The weekend hosting the Japanese boy for us was a bit stressful because Mr. B ended up going to a class at the last minute and I was left to entertain a Japanese boy who spoke little English as well as my own 3 kids. The next year Mr. B was back and wanted to be ambitious and host 2 Japanese boys at our home. He got to experience how much work it was and we even had one of the boys (who was 10) want to go home on the last night at 10 pm so Mr. B had to drive him to meet his mom. Overall both times were a great cultural experience and I'm glad that we participated in them. This year we've decided not to do the base Japanese Homestay and are instead hosting 2 Japanese students through our church for a Youth rally in 2 weeks.

Stuffing Ryo with Pizza Hut & Coke!

Me and the kids getting the award/gifts 2006

The kids with Ryo (pronounced Yo)

2006 Japanese Homestay Group

Mr. B getting the award/gifts 2007

Boo with the 2 Japanese boys we hosted

2007 Japanese Homestay Group
Labels: Japan, Japanese homestay
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