Friday, July 18, 2008

My "Molestake" (Mistake)

**Warning Content may not be appropriate for the easily offended**

Yesterday was an interesting day and in not such an good way.  The night before when we were going to bed there was a mosquito in our room so we killed it, little did we know he had a friend lurking around.  That's the bad thing about no air conditioning here in Misawa, it's hot at night so even though the fans are on you need the windows open to pull the breeze in.  I don't know how those little suckers manage to squeeze in through the screen but there are always a few who manage to maneuver it.  It's pretty sad when you feel like hooking a bug zapper up in your bedroom, LOL!  I'm looking forward to Sweet Home AL and Air conditioning after 3 summers of this.  So anyhow how the 2nd sneaky mosquito managed to bite Mr. B twice and me once on the arm before we realize he was there and sucking our blood while we were trying to sleep.  We got up and turned on the lights and killed the little bugger but not before we were itching like crazy.  So it appears that while I was itching my arm I accidently scratched my mole which is on my upper chest near my armpit.  So I felt the scratch but didn't think anything about it and went straight to sleep because running 2 miles everyday will do that to you  :)  When I was hurriedly throwing on my workout clothes to take the boys to summer school I noticed some brown marks on my shirt and thought that one of the kids must've eaten something in our bed and I slept on it.  As I'm walking out the door I realize my shirt feels weird and I look down and realize that my mole and shirt are covered in dark crusty blood!  This was the beginning of my freak out session.  I waited until I got back from dropping off the boys to really check it out and asses the damage, and found that in my 'molestake' of scratching my mole I'd torn part of it off....Holy Moley!  I started freaking out and my first thought was I better make a Dr. appt, and then I freaked out and decided not to because I didn't want them to cut it off!  Needles aren't a favorite past time of mine and I'd rather not go there if it's not necessary.   So I call Mr. B at work freaking out because my mole is flapping in the wind and I'm not liking it.  His advice was to cut it off....uh NO!  So I decided to go ahead and run my 2 miles to try and get my head out of the funk it was in with all the mole issues, and it didn't work.  I was literally obsessed, freaking, and thinking about it until around 1 pm and then I finally forced myself to do my homework which left no room for mole obsession when I'm trying to concentrate on math statistic homework.   So after several offers of 'help' cutting it off I decided just to put some bacitracin on it and slap it shut with a band-aid and hope it heals back together...sigh.  After extensive research on the internet I found that moles bleed a lot, so I wasn't about to let it get cut off!  I don't like the sight of my own blood...I can just see it now Mr. B calling 911 and telling them Yeah my wife passed out while I was trying to cut her mole off, Uh No Thanks, I'll pass!  The whole mole obsession yesterday (today I'm trying to pretend it's not there, LOL!) reminded me of the Austin Powers mole clip which I've added for your viewing pleasure. and to help me get this off my chest so I can move on about my day and be productive in studying for my test! 



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