Carved Fingers Update *Warning Graphic*
**WARNING!! I have added a picture so I will post a disclaimer that this could be considered a graphic image and may not be suitable for children or queasy adults :)
Boo has an appointment tomorrow morning with our Primary Care Dr and then we'll get a referral to take him to the hand specialist off base. Hopefully we can get an appt. with the Specialist on Monday, or Tues at the latest.
He has 4 stitches in his pinky finger and 3 in his ring finger. They are both splinted until we find out about the tendons and I told him it looks like he has a claw. He can bend his ring finger to a 90 degree angle but cannot bend any of the top part by himself. He also could not bend his pinky very well when we changed the bandages.
Changing the bandages/re-setting the splint was an interesting experience. I had originally planned on doing it this evening with the help of Mr. B, but when Boo got home from school the gauze had slid off and some of his stitches were exposed and the bandaging was bothering him. So we set off to re-bandage it.
It was then that it was confirmed that I could never be a nurse. There is just something about seeing stitches, ect on my kids that just makes me weak and want to pass out. I had several moments of light-headedness and feeling the need to sit down, and the start of a cold sweat! It was not fun. Thankfully Boo was able to assist and we got it done quickly before I actually passed out. I will be saving this part for Mr. B from now on!
For some reason I can easily look at the picture but seeing it actually on him does me in! Also if he says something hurts while we're looking at it I start to go weak in the knees! I hate it when my 'babies' are hurt!
Here is what Carved Fingers look like:
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