Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas morning was both exciting and tiring!  The kids were allowed to get up at 6 am and come get us up.  Then we had to get them dressed in their new PJs from Christmas Eve (they don't sleep in them in case of any accident, ect) and make sure hair is combed, lights on tree on, music playing, ect before they head out to see what Santa has brought.  I looked and this year it took a whole 13 minutes and at 6:13 am we were heading to the living room, but I guess when your little 13 minutes seems like a lifetime! LOL!

The kids were so excited to find that Santa had brought them an iMac!  They were also happy with the gifts from family.  We also open presents a certain way, they all go get one for everyone then we open them one at a time starting with the youngest child and work our way to the oldest, then after the last person is done the kids go get another present for everyone.  It's a great way to make sure the kids know who the gifts are from and for everyone to see what they all got. 

Funny enough the one thing that Bubby wanted most this year was a TUXEDO!!  And I'm not even kidding.  He's been on a HUGE spy kick lately and decided one day that he needed a Tuxedo to be a 'real' spy.  I decided that with the $ from Poppie & Omah I would get him a Tuxedo (from online of course) and the expression on his face was PRICELESS!!!  Who would've guessed the joy a Tuxedo could bring to a little boy?!

We didn't get our normal family pic of us all in our PJs since as soon as we were done Bubby had ripped off his PJs and had his brand new Tuxedo on, which he proceeded to wear until that evening.  (Today the day after, he's in it yet again)

And today my arm is SORE from a Wii game that was sent to the kids...darn those Wii games!!!

Here are some pictures from Christmas Morning

Bea getting her hair done so they can go check out the presents!

Bea literally running out to the living room, Bubby in right corner (arm) has already beaten everyone else, LOL!

The kids waiting on the stairs

Boo with his Laser Tag, it's been a hit!  Thankfully there are multiple guns so there is lots of ambushing going on around here ;)

Bea with her Swim Baby

Bubby opening a box, and YES that is a butter knife, and YES with our luck lately it should probably be a spoon!

The pure JOY a Tuxedo can bring a boy!

Can you tell he's happy about the Tuxedo?! LOL!

Bubby in his Tuxedo
A little Spy action going on!  We call him Double O8

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At December 27, 2008 at 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooo...there's something about a guy in a tuxedo. He looks a little like, hmmmmmmmm, James Bond? You look pretty cool thee Bubby.


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