Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thanks HGTV!

The day after we got to WV Mr. B wanted to install a new dishwasher and sink/faucet for his mom and dad. Thankfully his dad was there to help, as we found it was not a one person job, or even a two person job, but required three people during parts of it.

The kids were off playing with cousins, I was just getting started on my homework, and Mr. B and his dad were turning off the water under the sink and getting ready to disconnect the dishwasher. Mr. B's dad had previously tried to pull out the dishwasher but it was getting caught. When Mr. B tried he found that it was hard-wired so it wouldn't move until disconnected....and how did he know this? From all the HGTV we've been watching!!

Literally from the moment we arrived in VA at Mr. B's aunts house and I found the HGTV channel I've been flipping to it to watch at night. It took 6 months before I finally started seeing re-runs and now I'm venturing out and watching a few more channels as well. I think it's hilarious that I love this channel so much because we are no where near the time in our lives where we will be buying a house, for that matter we really don't even care to be living in a house in the US. Anyways all the many shows we watched really helped out for the dishwasher and sink install.

Back to the disconnecting of the pipes. Mr. B had disconnected the electrical and was getting ready to undo the pipes. I had just started typing my homework and I heard a strange sound coming from the kitchen. I decided I'd better go investigate, and boy was I glad that I did. The valve where Mr. B had shut off the water was broken and water was spraying everywhere! I ran to get some towels and when I came back I realized that not only was the water spraying everywhere but it was HOT water! Mr. B was having a hard time trying to contain it because it was burning him. PawPaw (his dad) ran out to turn off the main at the street. Hindsight note: turn of main for future projects. While that worked it left us without running water in the house for quite awhile while the valve parts were bought and replaced.

After the water was cleaned up enough to move forward Mr. B and I removed the dishwasher and carried outside. He then took out the old sink and got the new sink and faucet ready while we waited on PawPaw to get back from the store with parts for the plumbing. Needless to say a a anticipated 'quick' project turned into an 8 hour event. BUT we got it all installed and it looks and works great! After the install I cleaned up the mess Mr. B made by flooding the kitchen and we were done for the evening, and it was only 11 pm :)

Now we know that if we ever have to do a project like this again we are well equipped with the experience and knowledge ;) And once again we were reminded that all our little adventures are quite exciting, LOL!


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