Rainbow Colored Organization
With the upcoming move right around the corner in just a few weeks, I am determined to make this an organized process that will run smoothly. Not just for me, but for the fine folks who've stepped up to help us move from Point A to Point B :)
What does this organization entail you ask? Why it includes multi-colored Duct & Masking Tape! Oh, what a wonder they are! Also colored corresponding Bic markers, I had so much fun buying the supplies, probably more than is normal, LOL!!
So when I told Mr. B of my 'grand plan' to color code all the boxes and furniture to the matching rooms at the new house, instead of the praise of me being in the ball that I expected, I received belly shaking laughter....hummmm. I know if he was in charge it would be mass chaos of everyone grabbing something and throwing it somewhere, I am resolved to not let that be the case with me in charge. So while I know that Mr. B is glad that I'm in charge of this crazy process I'm even more determined to wow him with the color-coded wonders of duct & masking tape ;p Who says a girl can't have some fun while enduring the hassles of a move, LOL!
So for now I've included some pictures of my new favorite packing supplies and will update how the system works as I put it into action :D
Here's looking at you, Mr. B, LOL!
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