Packing, Packing, Is So Much Fun...
Oh how I can't wait to be DONE!
Packing has been coming along, slowly but surely. It was slow moving at the first part of the week due to my ribs not wanting to cooperate, but thankfully on Thurs some friends came over and I was able to make myself (and them) tackle the most intimidating areas. Now that those are wrapped up I feel much better.
I do admit I work best when under pressure or the presence of an imminent deadline, whichfortunately this week will provide both as I get the key Friday and will start moving and getting ready for the 'big move' on Sat.
The house looks like a tornado has gone through it, thankfully it really doesn't bother me, although I will say I will be so happy to have a much smaller house to keep under wraps!
Here are some pictures from the process :)
My color coding system
I hope the word 'glass' will keep my helpers from throwing or drop kicking the boxes...LOL!
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