Photos Worth Paying For...
You know when you are at the amusment parks and on the 'fun' rides they automatically take pictures of you hoping that at the end of the ride you'll purchase them. While we don't often actually make the purchase there has been a few from Disney that were worth paying for.

This is on the
Tower of Terror at DisneySea, while Poppie is putting on a brave face you can see Omah looks a bit more terrified and has a death grip on her seat. Bubby is plugging his ears from the screams that are generated by the ride. I can say this is truthfully a terrifying ride, the whole constant dropping up and down and wondering if was ever going to end as kept me from venturing onto it a 2nd time. The kids insisted that Poppie & Omah go on the ride and they reluctantly obliged, although I'm pretty certain they have NO desire to ride it again :)

This is on the
Indiana Jones ride at DisneySea, Boo is ready for the camera being as he has been on the ride before but I LOVE the terrified look on Poppie & Omah's face! It's priceless! When I asked them why they were screaming I about fell on the ground laughing so hard because I was told a huge boulder was rolling at them. I asked them if they didn't realize that it was just a ride and obviously Disney was not about to let them get crushed by a boulder...guess things are so clear cut in the heat of the moment, LOL!! I guess what's even funnier was that I've been on this ride several times and never felt the need to scream! :)

This last one I really enjoy is from the
Splash Mountain at Tokyo Disney. I love it because we as a whole family were able to go on the ride together, including Bea. This was at our first Disney trip, before Poppie and Omah visited. Now this was a ride that evoked the fear in all of us...well except for Boo...he seems to be rather enjoying the plunge to the bottom!
Every time I look at this pictures they make me laugh, now that's worth paying for :)
Labels: disney, Japan, Travel, vacation
Can't wait to experience all of this terror once the hubby gets home from the sandbox.
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