Snow Day, For Real This Time!
So this little snow is what all the fuss has been about, what almost the whole city and surrounding cities have closed down for....only in AL I tell ya!
Mac loving the snow
Move for this weekend is off :( Right now I'm shooting for Monday but at this rate I'll be happy if we get to move at all!
I had an "I hate snow party this morning" and successfully took apart all of the kids beds, yipee! Now I only have mine left and it should be pretty easy. Taking a short break before I tackle that one.
Bea & Bubby are outside making a snowman, funny to think that a snowman is being made here in AL...and of course on this weekend of all weekends!
As of now I haven't had to unpack anything just yet, friends are providing lunch & dinner, I found a few towels and we all have an extra pair of underwear! So all is good for now.
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