Butterfly Mosaic
I'm reading Patsy Clairmont's book Stained Glass Hearts and after each chapter she has art/music to go with the section. The first chapter talked about mosaics, and that reminded me that I've been wanting to make my very own mosaic...out of my photographs! It's been something that I've wanted to do for awhile but since it's not something that you can just whip out in a few minutes it's been on 'hold.'So I got motivated and this morning I figured out how to make one and I'm soooo excited! (And yes you can pay companies to do all the hard work for you BUT I decided to go the true artistic route and make it myself in Photoshop) :)
While I do like it a lot, it was a bit time consuming so I'm not sure that it's something I'd make on a regular basis :)

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