Crayon Monogram
A friend showed me this on the Internet and of course I had to try it for an upcoming baby shower gift :) I think I made it harder than by using canvas but it turned out cute, I just need to throw ribbon on it to tie a bow for hanging. And no I did not come up with the idea, I just followed the directions (well most of them, LOL) from
Supplies all ready to go, don't ya just love my 'protective' old table cloth!
Paint color chosen by my friend since she's way better at these things than me :)
Canvas all painted and ready to go
Cutting the crayons, I used 22 1/2 of the crayons in the box, that's a lot of cutting! My hand even started to go numb...think I may have given myself carpel tunnel, LOL!
I then decided I needed to paint the card stock m the same color as the canvas in case you could see any of it through the crayons
Lining up the crayons on the template
Template finished!
I had to make the card stock m skinnier and smaller so it wouldn't be as noticeable
Moving from template to card stock one crayon at a time
Card stock how to get it on the canvas!
Back view of the card stock & crayons
Finished product minus some ribbon! Cute but time consuming, not sure I'd do another. We did another crayon project but I'll share that one in a separate post.
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