Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Many?

And both side extends way past the doors and what you can see
This huge pile is on top of the 18 gallon storage bucket

How many pieces of clothing should a child have?  How many pieces of clothing do 'normal' people buy their kids?  I can hear my friends Y, C, & D chuckling as they picture my kids closets!

I went on a major purging spree of the boys clothing tonight in an effort to get closer to finishing their room.  I ended up with 30+ tops for each boy Plus bottoms that are in an 18 gallon tub and those are just the clothes to sell/get rid of!  

This still leaves the each of the boys with 50+ shirts, Boo has fewer pants as he's hit a growth spurt and just moved up to a new size but Bubby has about 15 pairs.  How wild is that?

I can say that all were bought on sale as I'm a bargain freak but all are name brand because they stay in better condition and I can resell them.  I also don't keep Boo's clothes for Bubby as I can' stand to look at the clothes for too long, LOL!  

So what is the normal amount of shirts and pants per kid?  I just googled it and found this from the Living on a Dime website:

School Age
(including teen boys, if your teens complain about the clothes, make them responsible for them, including paying for the extras that they want.)

3-4 pairs of jeans or school pants
7-9 school shirts
1-2 pairs dress pants
3-4 dress shirts
1-2 casual dressy outfits
2-3 pajamas
1 pair school shoes
1 pair causal shoes or 1 pair of shoes for dirty work
1 pair dress shoes

Looks like I'm Way over!  Surprise, Surprise!  LOL!!! 

Really only 7 shirts?  That seems insane, they'd be wearing the same shirt over and over...hummm

I'll add pics tomorrow because when I went up to take them tonight the camera died, I don't even want to touch on the shoe issue...if they are new still in the box they they don't count right ;)  LOL!post signature


At November 23, 2008 at 8:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have done some major downsizing to M and A's closets! I"m trying to learn to "live on a dime" and I'm not shopping much here lately. When I pulled A's summer clothes out of her closet I couldn't belive how many clothes she had that were barely worn! Same with M. He had SO many nice shirts that were maybe worn twice! So I'm trying to get better. But I was never as bad as you!! LOL!


At November 25, 2008 at 4:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One shirt is more than adequate. That Packer shirt pictured could be worn 24/7 with no problems. Now wasn't that simple.

At November 25, 2008 at 7:03 PM , Blogger Mrs. B said...

I think you can get Fined for wearing anything other than an Auburn or Alabama shirt here! That or a knuckle sandwich, LOL!!


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