No Wonder They Call Him the Savior Book Review
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior: Experiancing the Truth of the Cross by Max Lucado
How can Jesus' darkest hour on the cross be mankind's highest hope? How can His death and suffering be the catalyst for hope? It was there upon that cross that eternity was changed and Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, no wonder they call Him the Savior. Written in conversational style the chapters provide thought provoking information that remind us of the impact of the cross and what it truly means for mankind.
I really enjoyed this book, as I do all Max Lucado's books. I love his writing style, which makes the reading easy and yet provides great insight in to Jesus' journey and meaning of the cross. One of the chapters that I really enjoyed was The One Who Stayed. It talks about how out of the 12 disciples John was the only one to stay with Jesus. Max describes John as someone who not only thought of Jesus as a Savior but as a friend. And friends stick by each other even in undesirable circumstances, John was a living example of a true friend who made sure he was there to say a final good-bye to Jesus. I also loved that this book was so engaging it was hard to put down, I wanted to read a chapter a day but found myself not just being able to read only one chapter. Biblical truths are found in every chapter and relayed in a engaging format, I would recommend this book to others.
Booksneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review, all opinions are my own.

This inspirational book will be certain to leave the reader with a lasting impression. In today's self centered society, without offense Max Lucado illustrates the importance of living life based on biblical principles. Lucado illustrates with clarity the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. In vivid detail, he makes clear, in everday words and language, the significance of Jesus' life and death for us. After reading this book, and really meditating on the biblical truths communicated via Max Lucado, one can feel a renewed sense of embpowerment to live a selfless life style. Max makes use of personal anecdotes as well as bible stories to illiustrate the importance of depending on God rather than on the material things of this world.
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