When it Rains, It Pours...except in AL
Pic Boo took of the storm 2 weeks ago that spawned several tornados |
Let me preface this and start off by saying I started feeling yucky last week...headaches, tired, congestion stuff. By Sat it had gotten to a point where Vitamin M (Motrin for you non-military folks) and Tylenol were not helping with the pain. Of course I toughed it out a few more days but ended up going to PriMed today.
Yesterday I worked out and had horrible ear pain afterwards and last night both ears hurt. So this morning I woke up and my ear was hurting and I was having pain behind my left eyebrow. I took Boo to school and when I got home I realized that I was shaking really bad, so I decided it was finally time to visit the Dr. As much as I don't like going to the Dr. I don't enjoy not feeling well either so today was the make it or break it day..they would either say I was sick or crazy...I had a feeling it was 50/50 chance, LOL!
I wanted to go to the base Dr. just so I wouldn't have to spend hours at PriMed but of course no appts. were available so off to PriMed I went. I park, and as I'm getting out of the car I realize that I have to step over a large brown dried pile of vomit that someone has so graciously left behind. I quickly tiptoe over it carefully avoiding the beans that have splashed beyond the immediate pile and try to not think about it so I don't make myself sick. I knew an up front parking spot was too good to be true, lesson learned!!
Other than that my visit was good, I was actually in and out in just under an hour! And I even got a friendly nurse which is a plus. The one good thing about having to go to PriMed vs the base was that instead of just 'assuming' that I would have a sinus infection (like on base) they took some x-rays and found that indeed I had a very bad sinus infection in four areas. This makes me feel better about taking meds (I know I have issues!) knowing that I'm taking them for a real issue. I brace myself for the acrobatic moves that it will require to get me back over the vomit pile and undigested beans and safely back into my car! It was a success and I'm on to the next stop.
I had to laugh when the Dr. asked if I needed an excuse for work...I told him "no thanks, I'm sure my husband will give me the day off" which made him chuckle, but lets face it it's not like moms really ever get a day 'off' ;p Plus now I've got meds and should start feeling better soon...guess I should've took my sick day last week, LOL!!
Of course today is also the day with severe tornado outbreaks predicted across AL, so as I head to pick up my meds I see in Facebook (gotta love technology!) that schools in the local areas are closing early. I get home and take 2 of my 3 meds, I open the last one the antibiotic and realize that its HUGE, I mean the size of tip of my pinky! So I start to wonder what I'm supposed to do with it?! I call Mr. B and tell him I need him to come home for lunch so I can take my med...why such an ordeal you ask? For me it's a huge ordeal because before last June (the majority of my whole life) I have only been able to swallow pills the size of 200mg Ibuprofen capsule shaped and smaller...we found out that I had a narrowing in my esophagus, and while it was dilated it's been almost a year and I'm still wary about swallowing ginormous pills since I've never been able to do it! Mr. B came to the rescue and broke it in half and watched while I took it to make sure I didn't choke on it...and yes I felt the sucker go down but it didn't get stuck, praise God! Not looking forward to doing it multiple times for the next few days but I guess it could be considered exposure therapy, LOL!
So by this point I really just want to lay down for a few mins but I'm worried about the kids schools getting cancelled early, I decided to curl into a ball on the couch for a few mins, and literally as soon as my head hits the pillow the phone rings announcing Boo's school is closing early. Truthfully it was bittersweet, it prevented Mr. B from having to get him and no conflicting of other events but it also resulted in my unfortunate event. I drag my weary body off the couch and trek out to the car for my 2nd 40 mile journey of the day.
So I get Boo and I have to run into the Commissary on the way home, I really didn't WANT too but we needed a few things for dinner. At this point my bladder is about to burst as I had to drink lots of water with the medsBAM!!
The next thing I know I'm on the floor trying to figure out what in the world just happened!!! As I'm trying to assess the situation the men's room door starts swinging towards my face, I quickly put my arm out to stop it and tell the elderly man to watch his step as there was water all over the floor, as I had found out the hard way. He laughs and says "I about hit you in the face with the door!" I guess he has a good point...it could be worse...I could have a black eye too. So I pick myself up....I do the quick look around...you know the one...to see if anyone else saw...and find I'm in the clear. I limp into the bathroom where I realize that my left knee and big toe are hurting! Truthfully I'm surprised I didn't pee my pants! Thankfully I made it to the bathroom without incident!
At this point I try to decide what to do, I look in the open room for the knuckleheads who caused the event and see no one. I got to the customer service desk to notify the lady that a clean up is needed and told her I fell. She asks if I want to fill an incident report out....um no lady, I am already humiliated and limping around like a hobbit...I just want to get outta here! By now a sharp burning pain is running down my leg and I just want to get my cream of chicken and cheese and go home! A lady comes to do the clean up and asks if I'm okay...I tell her yes and get outta there before I do something even more embarrassing like cry in public! And really I don't know if it would've affected me so badly if I had been feeling well, but being sick and tired just made it worse.
I quickly hobble through the store limiting any potential contact with people and quickly self checkout, I make it out to the car before shedding some tears and declaring it the worse day ever...I know a bit of an over reactive statement, but the pity party was in full effect. I dry my tears so Boo won't see them and pick him up from the Shoppette, where he had walked to get a snack.
When I get home I call Mr. B (who really is busy at work and probably doesn't need to hear my sob story) and tell him my sad tale, he asks if I'm okay and if I need to go the hospital. Of course I tell him I'm fine, I would certainly NOT go the hospital over a dumb toe...I mean why do we need 10 of them anyways...that's 10 times the chance of getting one messed up each day! I declare that I'm going to take a nap and call it a day. Of course I can't sleep at this point because my toe is burning and aching and end up watching a Lifetime movie, I just hope we're not up all night with crazy weather since I didn't get a nap.
Bea gets home and tells me she had a terrible day (cuz the bus ride for the field trip was long) and I tell her I had one too. We swap stories and she says I win :) I guess falling in the commissary trumps long bus rides, LOL! So I went from being sick to being literally thrown on the floor by a proverbial tornado...even if it was just caused by some knuckleheads and their abuse of tiny paper cups and the water fountain, at least they didn't get the satisfaction of seeing me fall ;p because somehow despite how horrific and humiliating it felt to me I bet it looked pretty darn funny, and I pray there is no surveillance footage that will end up on the Internet like the lady who fell in the water fountain! Thank goodness I wasn't texting during the fall!
Thankfully now my toe is feeling better and I'm only a little worse for the wear with some marks on my foot and knee. Some aching but like I said...it could be worse, right?! And I think the pity party is 'officially' over :)
Now I'm off to feed the family and hunker down for a long night of storms...looks like they are supposed to be in effect for our area from 8 pm-4 am...Sweet guess I'll get caught up on some DVR if the weather radio is blasting all night....if we're not in the closet that is ;p
Hey, If this was posted to make me feel better ,it worked. I thought I was having some bad day's, but hard to top yours!!! Love, Dad
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