Driving Permit
Well yesterday was the 'big' day...Boo got his driving permit! Since his birthday was on Christmas Eve it's taken awhile to get it done because the school had to sign a form saying that he is indeed enrolled in school...and we did not know that beforehand.
Mr. B took him on the 27th to take the written (ie computer) test which he passed with flying colors. Now taking a test here is a mighty long process. They had to wait over an hour just for him to take the test, which took a whole 5 minutes! Mr. B also got the form that we needed signed and was told to return with the form and then they would issue the permit.
So yesterday on Boo's first day back to school from break he was able to get the form signed. We headed straight to the office after school and were turned away because they were too busy!! The guy told us to come back in the morning and get a number for the long line...I decided to try another city. Mr. B called and the lady said if we could get there by 4:10 pm she could do it for us, this was at 3:53 and the office was 20 minutes away. We made it with no time to spare and even completed a quick 'get lost' detour at the courthouse ;p
Permit was issued and he's now ready to learn to drive! I let him practice at an empty parking lot on base yesterday and then let him drive to Mr. B's work. Mr. B then rode with him while Boo drove home. He did pretty good for having ZERO experience. The brakes are a bit touchy in the Lexus so I did think I was gonna end up with whiplash there for a minute, LOL!
Thankfully he's starting Driver's Education next week...which is NOT required here in AL! I'm from ID where it IS required so I had no idea that stuff like that was 'optional,' needless to say he will be taking it.
I'm still amazed that we are here...with Boo 15 and able to drive...how did we get from here:
To here so quickly?!
Time is precious and goes by much too quickly!!
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