Monday, August 27, 2012

Little of This, Little of That...

This pic from the MOOseum cracks me up!  I always tell my kids if they act weird it may end up on the blog one day...

I'm hoping that our exciting news of PCSing to Italy will motivate me to get back into blogging...

Since we found out 6 days ago my mind has been running on overdrive!  I've been scouring the Internet in all my 'free' time trying to find information.  I've had to decide what I need to know NOW, and what I can know later.  
Some of the Now stuff includes:
Housing/What to Bring/Internet
Vehicles/Driving Licences
Medical clearances/Outproccessing stuff (yes, we have awhile but I like to be prepared!)

Some of the Later:
Places to visit....while I'd LOVE to sit all day and start my list, I have to remember to keep my priorities straight ;p
Cell Phone stuff
Pet Info...we need to figure out if Mac is gonna go with us or not...and if so HOW?! LOL
Working as a Doula & Photographer
And about a MILLION other Misc questions I have!

I'm thankful for bloggers like Tessa who provide me with tons of information in one spot!  

And despite my never ending normal to-do list plus the newly created Italy one I was able to finish a project...well I was kinda forced into it since it was for a friend's birthday ;p

I made her a wooden cross, I even cut it myself with the jigsaw...Don't worry Mr. B no fingers were hurt in the process ;)

Then I stained it, put some upholstery tacks in, wrapped it in twine, and put on a fabric flower.  It's 12 in tall and 9 in wide...think I need to make me one...

And I have a new project in store!  I found a vintage chair (and I've been wanting one for a LONG time) and I'm going to reupholster it...and I have absolutely NO experience doing so ;)  That's what the Internet is for right???

Yes, I know it looks ROUGH!  But you have to see beyond the ugly and see the potential...but I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume that I'll be replacing the padding/'s just looking to rough for me to want to even keep anything underneath, LOL.

And I've been running lately...quite a bit...well a bit for me anyways.  And starting this month I have been running at the Y on the treadmill while Bea & Bub have classes, but I don't think my knee has been liking it.  It's been feeling really weird like it needs to pop or is gonna give out.  I called to get an appt. today and the clinic on base can see me...on THURS.  Fun times.  So I guess this week I'll be riding the bike VERY slowly...sigh.


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