Baby Gate Eye Sore No More
Nope, there are no babies in the house BUT we do have a baby gate that we use for our dog Mac when we are not home. It keeps him in his 'safe zone' in the laundry room. And while I love the function of it I have always HATED how ugly it was!
Mac likes the new gate as well
I know, I know baby gates are not made to be 'pretty' but instead to keep in/out kids and pets but since I've been on such a huge DIY kick I thought I'd give it a go on the ugly baby gate.
I grabbed my favorite can of stain (I used RustOleam Dark Walnut) and set to work and now it is SO much better!
It went from this:
to this:
and I am much happier with it! I may end up distressing it a bit more because I'm kinda on a 'distressed look' kick but I'll probably wait a few days to feel it out
When it's not in use we set it against the wall by the baker's rack and it always irritated me how it looked there, now I don't mind it as much
It's the little things in life I tell ya ;)
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