Toad's Wild Ride...Except Not...
Boy, oh Boy is driving with teens oh so much fun!
Have you ever been on the fun and whimsical Mr. Toad ride at Disney? It's a cute ride where you fly through doors/walls and towards oncoming traffic to turn at just the right time, it's amazing how fun it can be in the safe confines of the Disney park....not so much in real life. When instead of Mr. Toad at the wheel you've got a teen driver who I'm now sure of has drove one too many bumper cars.
How could this sweet faced driver evoke terror in someone?! Well it goes something like this...
Today I had to go pick Boo up from a local college after watching his school basketball team compete for State. What should've been a 15 minute drive to get there ended up taking 40 with the horribly insane traffic! When I finally arrived I had a pounding headache. And it was there in that weak moment that I caved and let him drive us home.
Yes, he's been driving for over a month now and doing quite well, but never in this kind of traffic. So to try to make things easier we made a little detour and took the back roads. This was all working fine and dandy until we came to a horrible left turn where he would've had to cross 2 lanes of oncoming traffic to pull into 2 lanes of more packed traffic. The cars ahead of us were taking FOREVER because no one could get across. Not to mention that they had NO brake lights and 2 toddlers JUMPING around in the car...sigh!
So in order to make things easier (because truthfully I wouldn't have even made that turn) I had him turn right and told him that we would make a left turn into a parking lot down the road and turn back around. He was easily able to make the right turn and we set our sights on Zaxby's as we approach I tell him to turn in to the parking lot and that is where the nice peaceful ride instead turned into this:
Horror, sheer horror as he realizes that it's an out only entrance and does not turn in. That leaves him making his 'own' turn lane in the left hand lane right into the face of 2 on coming cars! Panic sets in and I start to yell wildly, I'm sure I looked something like this:
As I scream HURRY, TURN, HURRY HURRY!!!!, as he's driving the last few yards up to the correct entrance. Apparently HURRY!!! to him means drive like Grandpa missing his glasses because I could've got out and pushed the car faster than that! Thankfully we eventually made it into the turn where we narrowly missed assault by the oncoming traffic, who I'm sure were thinking what in the world are those nuts doing!?! Oh the joys of teen driving!
Needless to say Boo has learned a valuable lesson about where NOT to create your own turn lanes and I've learned that I scream wildly in the face of oncoming headlights. Rest assured we're now home in the safe confines of our home where I do not plan on getting into a car until tomorrow...I've had more than enough for today! A 30 minute trip turned into 1 hour 15 mins, always fun times! And after second thought maybe Mr. Toad's Wild ride isn't so fun after all....
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