Family Fun
The other day we went bowling with the family, it was the first time bowling together since Mr. B has gotten home. Here are some pics, although you'll see none of Boo. He was being camera shy and deleted the 1 I managed to snap...ugh those darn teenagers ;p

Bea & I

Mr. B & I

Bubby & Mr. B

Mr. B & Bea
Our New Ride
We got a new car the other day and the whole family is enjoying our new 'ride' :)
It's a 'new-to-us' 2007 Lexus ES 350, here are a few pictures

Bea's Tooth!
On May 1st we FINALLY got her 2nd top loose tooth out! It took forever as the 'new' tooth came down behind it and didn't help hit the roots to loosen it up. It was literally hanging on by a 'thread!'
It REALLY needed to come out, see how it's hanging all crazy in there?!
Can you tell she's real excited about pulling it? LOL!
See it's barley hanging on!

Looking in the mirror for the first time after it was pulled

It's out! Her new smile

Proudly showing off her tooth

Checking her tooth out in the mirror

Bea holding her tooth

Being silly!

What a beautiful smile

Smile minus her tooth
Our Little Dancer
Bea is getting ready for her upcoming recital, they just had pictures taken...more to come next week from the recital!

Funky Junky Art
Bea won 3rd place for the whole city for the Funky Junky Art contest! She was in the K-3rd grade range, we are so proud of her!
Here's her Funky Junky Art project:


Congrats, Bea! 3rd place winner!!
Mother's Day 2010
Was AMAZING because Mr. B arrived home after almost 7 months in Afghanistan!
Obviously I did not post about him being gone, but that that he is home I can! We're so GLAD to have him home with us!! Tomorrow will be 1 week home!
Here are a few pictures of him from Afghanistan

Hanging out with Billy Ray Cyrus

So I was having a lying in bed, no motivation, feeling blah day and Bea has livened it up a little...once again I should say, LOL!
After I managed to make myself get out of my bed and see the chaos I anticipated the kids had made downstairs I found this:

A pile of tissues, you ask? Yep, that's exactly what it is! So I start asking who in the world dumped all the tissues out...thinking it may have been Boo as he was working on making an 'egg car' for school.
Then to my surprised Bea proudly announces that it was her because she needed the box to make an incubator! What! Yep, folks the girl had made an incubator with egg from the fridge and all! So I try to explain to here that the egg will NOT hatch and that there is no chick in no avail. Then she asks me to turn the heat on to 90 degrees, which I promptly told her that would NOT be happening. Just before I sat down to wrote this I noticed the Air Conditioning wasn't running so I went to check it as we've had it broke all week (long, boring story). So I get to the thermostat and sure enough it's on Cool but pushed all the way up to 90! Wonder who did that?! LOL!!
The 'Incubator'

See how she wrapped the egg in a glove and everything?! LOL!!

Another shot of the 'chick' awaiting...LOL!!
So then she is eating chocolate ice cream and holds the spoon over the floor where it manages to fall all over Mac's freshly groomed white face....he did look quite hilarious! So I take a few pics and clean him up the best I can.

Poor Mac after desperately trying to figure out a way to lick the mess off his face, he even tried rubbing it on the carpet & licking the carpet!

Side shot
Gotta love it when the kids add at little 'spice' to the day. We've also been battling a snaggle-tooth but that story and pics will have to come after the grand finale...which I pray is soon!