Monday, May 23, 2011

Tornado Damage

I know, I know, I've been slacking....BUT I've just been so uninspired lately, maybe with summer in sight I'll get back into a better habit...and maybe not ;p

In the meantime I thought I'd share about the tornado damage in our local area.  Mr. B has went out on two separate Saturday's to Eclectic, AL to help clean up the damage.  It's quite devastating.  Areas where there used to be mobile homes littered with family belongings and destruction.

The first weekend he went out with a group and they went and got an 'assignment' from the local FEMA volunteer station.  They removed debris from two areas and Mr. B came home with a neat souvenir...poison ivy!  He also burned a hole in his favorite shirt from the burn pile...I still can't figure out why he'd wear his favorite shirt out to clean up....  ;p

Last weekend they went to the home of a lady who had been requesting assistance for the past few weeks and had not received any.  Mr. B said that her house was gone, literally a pile of wreckage and their belongings lay all over the yard.  From clothing, to books and photos, and even food!  They sorted what was to go to storage, be burned, ect.  The sad part is that the family did not have insurance so all that was lost is just that, lost :(

So despite the fact that the tornado incident was weeks ago there is months of clean up still to be done!

Here are some photos he took when he went out the first weekend:

There used to be a second story on this house!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Baby C

Recently I got to photography Baby C, my first male newborn model, and boy is he a cutie!  He was such a good sleeper and slept right through the whole photo shoot.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Photography - Placement to Emphasize Subject

For this assignment I was to use large size and off center placement to help emphasize the subject.  I really over thought this one and it took forever to figure out a photo to use, I decided on this one:

I do have to say that this was one of the 'assigmenments' that I struggled with and hadn't really practiced this specific technique before, thankfully I got it done and approved by the instructor, and will now have a different way to view subjects in future photos :)
