How Does Your Garden Grow?
Truthfully I have NO idea!
Bea & Mr. B planted a garden in June and it's gone wild! I have no idea how she's managed to keep the plants alive, let alone get them to bear fruit/veggies. And yes I mean, HER. I am NOT a gardener, I mean heck I can't even keep a house plant alive so this most definitely been her success.
Freshly planted! June 13th, 2012
Bea was SO excited to have her own garden
Mr. B & Bea
This was the first jalapeno, it was already growing on the plant when they planted it. Bea was SO excited about it that she decided to give it to Mr. B for Father's Day and tied it to a postcard :)
Starting to see some growth! June 24th, 2012
Baby jalapeno!
Baby bell pepper, this was on plant when the planted it, but we never got to use it. It started to turn red and then turned black and died, and NO I did not touch it, thank you very much!
Starting to get wild! Aug 15th, 2012
Baby watermelon!
Outta control, LOL! Aug 31st, 2012
Bell pepper almost ready to eat! When I took these pics I noticed holes in the leaves, looks like something has been eating the leaves...although I have NO idea what you do about that...LOL
Jalapeno party in session, she has 3 that are getting closes to plucking.
Watermelon, is now the size of a cantaloupe, she's excited to eat it soon.
And there are about 6-7 baby watermelons in this wild mess, I can see 2 of them..can you?!
She's really anxious to see some carrots but when I checked the other day they were the size of a toothpick, so not even close to ready yet.
And that my friends is Bea's garden that is grown with nothing but water both from Bea and the rain and a whole lotta love :)
Little of This, Little of That...
This pic from the MOOseum cracks me up! I always tell my kids if they act weird it may end up on the blog one day... |
I'm hoping that our exciting news of PCSing to Italy will motivate me to get back into blogging...
Since we found out 6 days ago my mind has been running on overdrive! I've been scouring the Internet in all my 'free' time trying to find information. I've had to decide what I need to know NOW, and what I can know later.
Some of the Now stuff includes:
Housing/What to Bring/Internet
Vehicles/Driving Licences
Medical clearances/Outproccessing stuff (yes, we have awhile but I like to be prepared!)
Some of the Later:
Places to visit....while I'd LOVE to sit all day and start my list, I have to remember to keep my priorities straight ;p
Cell Phone stuff
Pet Info...we need to figure out if Mac is gonna go with us or not...and if so HOW?! LOL
Working as a Doula & Photographer
And about a MILLION other Misc questions I have!
I'm thankful for bloggers like
Tessa who provide me with tons of information in one spot!
And despite my never ending normal to-do list plus the newly created Italy one I was able to finish a project...well I was kinda forced into it since it was for a friend's birthday ;p
I made her a wooden cross, I even cut it myself with the jigsaw...Don't worry Mr. B no fingers were hurt in the process ;)
Then I stained it, put some upholstery tacks in, wrapped it in twine, and put on a fabric flower. It's 12 in tall and 9 in wide...think I need to make me one...
And I have a new project in store! I found a vintage chair (and I've been wanting one for a LONG time) and I'm going to reupholster it...and I have absolutely NO experience doing so ;) That's what the Internet is for right???
Yes, I know it looks ROUGH! But you have to see beyond the ugly and see the potential...but I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume that I'll be replacing the padding/'s just looking to rough for me to want to even keep anything underneath, LOL.
And I've been running lately...quite a bit...well a bit for me anyways. And starting this month I have been running at the Y on the treadmill while Bea & Bub have classes, but I don't think my knee has been liking it. It's been feeling really weird like it needs to pop or is gonna give out. I called to get an appt. today and the clinic on base can see me...on THURS. Fun times. So I guess this week I'll be riding the bike VERY slowly...sigh.
Ciao, We Are Moving!!
Well it has finally happened, we found out last night that we got overseas orders! We've been dreaming and praying for overseas orders for almost 4 years! And now they have arrived!!
We are headed to the glorious country of Italy! Super excited! We will be PCSing to Aviano AFB next Summer (2013). Ok so we're not PSCing just yet but the way time is flying it'll be here in no time!
This is an approximization as to where Aviano is, I'm no map expert ;) I took a pic of our vintage globe and threw a star and some text on there! |
This World Traveling Military Family will finally be traveling the world again!!
So much to do/learn/research and what seems like so little time! And yes I've already become slightly obsessed with gathering ALL the info I can find ;)
And of course blogs on PCSing/moving and living in Aviano are few and far if you see some send them my way :)
Rainbow Cake
Today I made a rainbow cake for our monthly celebration and of course had to share pictures :)
The rainbow cake is fairly easy!
I used this blog as a guideline:
Then I made my own 'rules' LOL
After I mixed the 2 boxes of batter I put a little over 1 cup into 6 separate bowls to make the colors. I then colored the batter using food dye. I used a Wilton's rose for the hot pink. My orange didn't turn out so I didn't use it. I'm sure it's not gonna kill us to have 1 less layer, I'm not even sure how we're gonna eat all of this bad boy!
Then I baked them 2 at a time in 9 in pans that were coated really good with shortening. About 8 mins and then dumped (gently) onto cooling rack and re greased the pans and baked some more. I did not use plastic wrap or freeze the layers, too much work ;p
I let them cool and then I started stacking the layers going in the Rainbow color format ROY G BIV :) as a guideline, layering with white frosting. I ended up using 3 cans of frosting. I did have to cut some of the layers to make them flat. Then I frosted the whole thing. I opted not to use sprinkles, ect on the outside.
I also make a few rainbow cupcakes as well because some of my kids prefer cake without frosting, I know...gasp! I just took a tiny scoop of each color and plopped it into a cupcake liner. I only did 3 color for each because it's easy to overfill them trying to get all the colors in.
Now you too can be inspired to create a rainbow cake :)
By Faith, Not By Sight: The Inspirational Story of a Blind Prodigy, a Life-Threatening Illness, & an Unexpected Gift by Scott MacIntyre
Have you ever wondered how hard it would be to be successful in the music world? Now imagine doing it blind and with a life threatening illness, not any easy feat. Yet despite the many trials that Scott faces he remains triumphant in the lessons that God has shown him along his journey. An amazing story of how family, passion, and faith can lead you to accomplish things bigger than you've ever dreamed.
I’ll be honest I didn’t even know who Scott MacIntyre was before I read this book, I’m obviously not an American Idol fan. I found this book to be very interesting because it is about his real life struggles and successes. I’m amazed at how courageous he is and that despite his blindness and illness he has remained confident that God would allow him to use his ability to touch the lives of others. While I am not personally a fan of Scott’s music that did not diminish the ability of his story to keep me interested to find out what happened next. He takes us on a journey with him as he discovers his unique ability to the play the piano and to live an inspiring life despite the disadvantages of being blind. Even during his darkest hours he remains true to the word of God and faithful to the future that he knows that God has planned ahead for him.
BookSneeze® has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review, all opinions are my own.