Crazy Hair Day 2011
Today was crazy hair day at Bea & Bub's school. I'm fine with the occasional crazy hair day but you know me, I still want it to look somewhat cute ;)
Bea's 'crazy hair'
Crazy side view
Non-crazy side view (figured I had to balance the crazy with some simple, LOL)
Back view
View from the top
Bub was looking forward to today to color his hair green...I came home from dropping off Boo and found:
that Mac has green paws!! Not sure how that happened but he must've wanted to get in on crazy hair day too!
Yep, all 4 of his paws are green...have no idea how that happened....not sure I want to know, LOL
Book Pumpkin
Pinterest project completed, LOL! I've still got a good list of things I want to do yet...SOO addicted to that site!
I made this awesome book pumpkin:
It was super easy....WAY easier than the book letter! I think I'm gonna get a few smaller (aka shorter) paperbacks and make 2 more smaller sized ones, this one is pretty good sized!
All I did was take a thrift store book and remove the cover...hence why it was so much easier than the letter. Then I made a 'template' and traced it onto the book (I have it open in the picture but I only used it folded so I could have used just 1 piece of paper)
I traced and cut the pages with scissors until it was all finished. Then I went out back and found a stick on the ground to use as the stem. I hot glued the stick in and the pages around and fanned them out. Then I sprayed it with light touch of orange spray paint and tied a ribbon on it!
And yes I'm obsessed with books ;p
I also learned a few nifty things about spray paint today with this and another project...I being the dork that I am should always wear gloves...otherwise I'll end up with painted sticky hands that the paint will NOT wash off but will come off on everything I touch! Thankfully Google came to the rescue and I was able to get the paint off my hands using acetone nail polish remover and lots of elbow grease!
Sweet Gum Bottom Bed & Breakfast
Mr. B & I were able to stay Saturday night at
Sweet Gum Bottom Bed & Breakfast in Andalusia, AL.
This was our first Bed & Breakfast experience and we really enjoyed it! Mr. B's parents were here for the weekend so they were gracious enough to keep the kids for us.
The Bed & Breakfast was so neat. It has a great story to go with it. It was bought it Evergreen, AL and then cut into 3 sections and moved to Andalusia and restored. It has 4 rooms and we stayed in the Bethany Dawn room, and we were even lucky enough to the have the place to ourselves that weekend! The breakfast was divine! Scrumptious pecan/maple french toast with eggs and bacon as well as fresh fruit and juice. The grounds were well kept and provided a peaceful escape from the hassles of the 'real world.' We ate dinner at a local Mom & Pop Italian restaurant. It was delicious and quiet. I know I should've taken the camera with me...shame on me ;)
The entry hall to the Bed & Breakfast
Bethany Dawn room
Fireplace & love seat, as well as rocker with a electric back massager on it
Another view of window
View of bathroom, also had large jacuzzi tub with jets
Sun porch, great spot to sit and relax!
View from the best seat in the house, a vintage love seat hung on rope from the ceiling!
View of the backyard towards the sun porch
Mr. B trying out the was quite the learning experience for him to get situated, LOL!
I managed to join him without tipping us both over, our view from the hammock
We got out the tripod and decided to take some pictures
Here you can see that my shoe flew off as I jumped up after running and pressing the button on the timer
These were done for Mr. B, LOL!
Our walk led us to the 2 donkeys on the property
Mr. B going in to get some corn for them, they were very interested in that!
Mr. B feeding the donkey
The path on one side of the 12 acres that we walked down
Sign out front of the Bed & Breakfast
Front of Bed & Breakfast, I swear it looks way smaller in the pictures (all that we seen as well) than it really is! It's quite huge!
Mr. B and I on the front steps
My surprise anniversary gift! Yes, our anniversary was last month...this get away was supposed to be our 'gift' but Mr. B doesn't always listen well ;p I've been wanting a butterfly necklace for quite awhile (since after the Captivating Bible study) yet I'd never told him that. He not only got me a butterfly necklace but one with my birthstones, I was so excited! I LOVE it!
For those who know my butterfly stories know that is a great reminder for me of His promises
Great weekend spent with great company, my amazing husband! It was great to get away for a bit and recharge. If your ever in Andalusia and looking for a Bed & Breakfast I highly recommend this one!!
Dreamfield Farms/Pumpkin Patch 2011
This past Saturday we decieded to check out a local pumpkin patch as we haven't been to one since we've been here...and this year makes 3 years.
We drove out to Dreamfield Farms in Union Springs, AL, which is about 45 minutes from us. We had a fun day on the farm, here are some pictures:
As you can see Bubby was not wanting to participate easily in the photo
This one cracks me up
The boys playing a game of checkers over lunch
Feeding the animals was a hit
They even got to give them bottles of water
Mr. B even got in on the action, brings back horrible early morning memories from my childhood...LOL
Bea trying to pet the racing pigs, they weren't the most friendliest fellows
Boo getting ready to enter the corn maze
Mr. B & Bea heading into the corn maze
Bea & I in the maze
Boo & Bub racing 'ducks'
Burying Bub in the cornbox, it was hilarious when they had him covered a kid came and sat on him not realizing he was under there!
Boo jumping on the rolled up hay bales, I think this was the highlight of the day for all the kids
Mr. B getting in on the action...although I did warn him that we would NOT be making an ER visit that day ;p
Bub & Boo playing tag
There were even pretty butterflies!
The hay bales everyone loved playing on
The inflatables area. This was where Boo found that he could still do a back flip, which was both amazing and scary! He has not done one since he was 11 in Japan and dislocated his C1 & C2 in his neck!
The hay rides
Area with little pedal tractors, my kids did not visit this area
Arriving in the pumpkin patch, Bea was all about heading out to get her pumpkin
Bub with his pumpkin
Bub is king of the hay ;)
Overall it was a great day with a few more things to check off our Fall 'to-do' list ;)