Picnic in the Park
It was a girls day today as Mr. B & Bubby are camping at a Scout event and Boo is at a friends, so Bea & I decided to head to the park with a picnic and to take some pictures. We had fun :)


Walking up the bridge

Striking at pose at the bridge

Bridge at the park

Swimming duck

She's like a deer...always jumping when she runs, LOL

I love the way her hair is showing motion in this pic!

This was a neat bridge

Throwing bread to the ducks

Quite curious creatures they were

Bea loved feeding them and wasn't scared at all...normally I get freaked out when they get this close but I was too busy taking pictures to freak out, LOL

Here's looking at you

A duck waiting for a tasty treat

She was making me laugh so hard, she kept telling the geese "Don't honk at me!" LOL!

Sunbathing turtle

Another bridge

Shakesphere building


She's so dramatic, she cracks me up!

Bea & Dumbo

I have no idea where she comes up with all these crazy poses, LOL


Fall has arrived

the leaves are starting to change

showing us beauty that comes from transformation