Visiting Family in WV
We're here in WV enjoying time with family and the great weather! It's such a nice break from the H-O-T and humid weather in AL! We went to a local parade on Saturday and today went to an art Festivall in a nearby city. Here are some pics taken by Boo at the parade:
Mr. B & Bea
Me & Mr. B
Bea with her cousin, Maddie

Light At The End of the Tunnellas

See the light?!
Wow, what a week! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I had an INSANE homework load this week as I'm trying to finish my last 2 classes and 2 more started on Monday! To top it all off we're headed on vacation to WV early Friday morning!
Thankfully Mr. B took this week off work to manage the house and tend to the kids while I have spent many grueling hours on the computer writing not 1, but TWO 20 page research papers! If I never write another research paper I'll be so happy! Unfortunately 8 wks from now I see 2 more in my future.
The light is finally shining bright as I have successfully (well we'll see when the grade comes in) completed the 2 papers and am now working on the weekly assignments for both the old and new classes. I hope to finish the old classes this week, 2 weeks early but needed for sanity reasons.
The best part of of is that I'm only 2 classes from graduating now! I'll complete these 2 in fall term and be done by Dec!!
I'm so looking forward to our vacation yet I'm fully aware that I still have responsibilities such a homework so I guess I won't have too much fun ;)
Here are some pics I took the other night while walking the puppy, I can't wait until I'm done with classes and can play around with photography more!

A modern day Narnia Lamppost ;)

The amazing colors of the sun setting for the evening

Up, Up, and Away...$$$$
3-D Glasses
We decided on Saturday to treat the kids to a movie at the local civilian (ie off-base) movie theater to see the new 3-D movie Up. When we got there we were surprised to find that there was a $2.50 surcharge PER PERSON for the movie for the 3-D glasses, so just for us to walk in the door for the movie was $45! Then we spent $40 on popcorn, drinks, and candy. When did the movie theater get so outrageous?! Who knew going to see up would lead to our cash getting UP out of our pocket so quickly?! LOL!
Yep that's $13.46 sitting right there
This compared to our on-base movie treat of $20 for everything for all of us! Plus 3-D glasses at the base theater are free (although they were crappy BUT we have that problem solved now with our $2.50 3-D glasses I'll take with is). I also noticed that during the previews several of the upcoming movies are also in 3-D, score more $$$ for the movie theaters, Ugh!
A surcharge? Your kidding right?! Oh your not? Darn, now I remember we're back in the US again...sigh....
The thing that made me laugh was a giant cardboard box and the movie slides promoting being 'green' by recycling your 3-D glasses (that you just paid $2.50 for each!) by putting them in the box on the way out. I told Mr. B they probably just sterilize them and resell them for another $2.50! So nope we did not recycle them in the box and instead are going to go 'green' by using the base theater and taking our own newly purchased 3-D shades. And personally I didn't think the movie was made anymore spectacular by being in 3-D instead of the normal 2-D, but I'm sure the movie theater is loving it!

Mac sporting his new 3-D glasses

Maybe we'll just make it a new fashion to wear 3-D glasses all the time ;) LOL!

Swim Lessons!
Bubby and Bea are in their 2nd week of swim lessons and have been having a great time as well as learning a lot! I can already see HUGE improvements in their swimming abilities! I finally managed to remember the camera today, I only took the first 2 pictures and the rest were taken by our resident photographer, Boo. He's becoming quite interested in taking photography lately. He got some great shots that I LOVE! Here are the pics:

I LOVE this one! Bubby said he was doing a torpedo, blasting out of the water

Bea in the pool

Bea jumping in the pool

Look at Bubby jump!

Bubby in the water

Working hard swimming on his back, see the look of concentration!

Bea close-up

Getting ready to get in the pool

Bubby sporting his goggles before getting into the pool
Slacking and Sliding!
Wow I sure have been slacking in the blogging dept! It's been a very BUSY week!
Bubby & Bea started swim lessons and they are doing wonderfully, especially Bubby! I hope to take my camera next week and take some pics!
Bubby has successfully completed the first 4 wks of allergy shots! Which was 2 shots (1 in each arm) 2 times a week! Then after getting the shots you have to wait in the office for 30 mins to make sure there is no you can see where quite a bit of my time has been spent the past 4 weeks. He only had 1 bad reaction where his arm grew a golf ball sized red lump! Thankfully since then all has gone well! We're now going once a week (still 2 shots) for the next 6 months...I hope they help with his allergies! Although he hasn't been taking any of his allergy meds since he started and we haven't seen any major issues.
Since the weather didn't cooperate (it's too chillly for me!) the kids are out slipping and sliding out back, and there is PEACE in the house for a few precious moments....Ahhhhh! Here are some pics of them having fun! I just heard Boo yell "I am freezing!" I have a feeling the peace won't last much longer, LOL! Alas it has already ended and I am not even done with the post...sigh Bubby has come in (although the other 2 are still out there) and sure enough there are spots on his legs already from the grass :( I will be so happy when we are 6 months into the allergy shots so he can get some relief!

Bea on her way down the slide

Boo having his go at it

Trying her knees this time!

Caught Bubby in mid-air going for a super jump onto the slide!

Bubby being Bubby :D