World Traveling Military Family
Sunday, May 31, 2009
During the summer the kids still work on 'projects' and stuff to keep their brains from stalling out over the summer ;) I let the boys choose a project for each week, this week Boo chose to give a presentation in using iMovie to edit videos. Here is one of his examples, done all on his own without any 'help' with the ball:
When did kids get so smart with technology?! I look forward to seeing what else is in store over the next several weeks!
Bubby gave us a PowerPoint presentation on Movie Ratings, while Bea is working on more sight words and reading.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Bea's 6th Birthday!
Wow! It's so hard to believe that our baby girl is 6 today! I had a Camp Rock dress custom made for her to wear today, she's on a major Jonas Brothers kick right now. It will also double as a Disney Custom if we make it to WDW. Here are some pics from today:
Bea's 6th Princess Birthday Cake
Bea with her cake

Birthday Princess Cake

Twirling in her birthday dress

Looking cute in her Camp Rock dress

Looking so grown up!
Bea waiting to open her birthday gifts

Attacking Boo with a hug after opening the present from him
Sitting with her eyes closed in anticipation
Genuine Surprise!
She so LOVES music and was excited to have a keyboard to go with her Karoke machine and her new Camp Rock cd. I forsee music lessons of some sort in the future.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Bea's 1 Month Post-Op Visit
I took Bea to her 1 month post-op eye surgery visit yesterday. We are praising God as we found that she has NO deviation, meaning wandering or cross-eyedness! While we won't know for a year if the surgery was fully successful it appears that we are on the right track! Just look at those beautiful peepers!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sprinkler Fun!
I bought this crazy new 12 ft long sprinkler the other day and Mr. B set it up for the kids yesterday so I could work on my homework for a bit...I know homework on a holiday fun stuff ;)
Here are some pics of the kids having fun in the sprinkler...the hysterical part is their outfits!

Friday, May 22, 2009
A Year Ago Today..
Ok well actually 2 days ago (22nd) but I was slacking a bit...
I started blogging here on blogger! Wow hard to belive it was a year ago! While I didn't blog everyday like I hoped I would I think I've done a pretty good job. I only hope I can contiue to do as well over the next sure would be easier if we were back overseas and I had lots of neat stuff to blog about again ;)
A year ago I was sitting in my living room in Misawa, Japan
Today I sit in my living room in Alabama
A year ago today I was close to the company of good friends like Deanna & Christy
Today Deanna is in South Dakota, Christy is still in Japan and my good friend Yvette is still half-way across the world from me...
A year ago today we were dog sitting a Westie named Luke
Today we have our own Westie puppy named Macintosh (Mac)
A year ago today Bea was about to turn 5
Today she is about to turn 6!
A year ago today I was an undergrad student at Liberty University
Today I am a Graduate student at Liberty University
A year ago today we were unhappy with the church on base and looking for a change
Today we LOVE our church and the friends we have made there!
A year ago today our family was surgery free
Today three of them (Boo, Mr. B, and Bea) have all undergone surgery in the past 7 months!
I look forward to what the next year has in store for us!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Msgt Selectee Party
Last Thurs the kids and I went to the Msgt Selectee Party to watch Mr. B get his certificate and support him, we are so proud of him!!
Here are some pics, taken by my photographer, Boo, the lighting was horrible in the ball room too!
Receiving Award 1
Receiving Award 2
Bea cheesing for Boo
Thursday, May 14, 2009
MSGT Selectee!!

He has a line number of 3917 which means that he won't actually sew the stripes on (or get the pay increase) until around March 2010, but knowing that it's coming is exciting!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Kids Say the Darndest Things....

I had a great Mother's Day yesterday spent with my family and friends. The kids had drew me pictures all over the driveway/street with sidewalk chalk paint and gave me cards and gifts in the morning. We then headed to church. After church we went out to eat lunch with some friends. It was an interesting lunch trying to say our order before the waiter ran away...Mr. B paused for a moment and the guy took off like there was a fire in his pants! Needless to say getting refills for the drinks was almost impossible, it would've required running after the waiter numerous times. I can see it was and unforgettable experience!
This morning Bea got up and told me she had found the card she had made for me at school (another one she gave me 1 yesterday) she said it was under her pillow...
So I read it and I started cracking up!! I had to run in and show it to Mr. B before he left for work! It was a card and inside was a sheet where her teacher had asked her questions and filled them in this is what it said, Bea's in Red:
My mom's name is Laurie
She is 29 years old and has blue-green eyes and brown-black hair.
Her favorite food is mashed potatoes and gravy.
I love my mom because she fed me when I was blind.
Happy Mother's Day!
Mashed potatoes huh? And brown-black hair? But the part that really got me was when she said she love me because I fed her when she was blind! OMG! That girl is a riot! Yes, I did feed her in the car while she was 'blind' because she couldn't see, but 1 that's my job to take care of my babies, right? and 2 I had no idea she was coherent enough to remember the ride home! I love that girl!
Hope you had a great Mother's Day and your memories are as precious as mine!

Friday, May 8, 2009
Are Ya Ready For Some Football?
No? Well me either, but apparently Alabamians take their football VERY seriously! Boo has already started practicing 4 times as week for his upcoming football season which starts in AUG! Insane I know! We also got Bubby signed up to play this fall and he was super excited when our friend brought over pads and a helmet for him! Boo is loving football as well, so while I'm glad they are enjoying it I have a feeling I'll be run ragged driving them here and there and everywhere for practices and games. Here are some pics of the boys in there football equipment.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Bea's 1 Week Post-Op Appointment
I took Bea to her 1 week (ok it was really 6 days) post-op appt. The appt. went really well. We've noticed that while her eyes do NOT wander out anymore, Praise God!, there is a little cross-eyedness. The Dr. had told me to expect this so I wasn't too concerned. When I talked with the Dr. yesterday she said it was just the right amount and everything looked great! I guess they try to make the eyes a bit cross-eyed so at the end of the month when the swelling is down they will be perfectly aligned. We go back on the 28th for her 1 month post-op appt.
Her eyes are looking SO much better! The flash from the camera still bothers them so I had to take a picture fast.
Bea healing nicely
The kiddos this morning (with Mac) can ya tell the flash is bothering Bea?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Life as a Grad Student...and more

Wow, just when I was getting back into a good rhythm of blogging, wham life happened! Funny how it always seems to do that!
This week has been intense as it's the final week for the 2 Grad classes I'm in. So I've been spending all my 'spare' time on taking a Final exam and writing a super long paper...I'm currently at 40 pages and counting...I hope to be finished with it tonight so I can have a few days off before the next 2 start on Monday (!). The good news is that I'll have 4 classes completed with 6 more to go before graduating! Yippee!
Time sure seems to be flying by! And at this rate I'll be done in no time (Dec 2009) BUT the end of the year also signifies some big changes for us so while I'm ready for it to be here, I am also not know how it is.
Bea has been doing AMAZING and I'm so thankful for all the prayers and inquires we've had about her. She has a post-op appointment late this afternoon so I hope to blog about it tomorrow. One of the things I am thankful for his her attitude about it all, she is dealing with the whole thing in an amazing manner. It is so great to see God walking with her during this time. She HATES eye drops, and I mean with a passion! She cries and squeezes shut her eyes when eye drops were needed BUT since the surgery we've had to give her eye drops 4 times a day and she's been doing it without any crying or problems! The first day (few hours after the surgery) she was a bit wary but I don't blame her because her eyes were hurting and such. After that initial night we have not had 1 problem...God is so good!
I do have to say that the other day I had a gut-wrenching, near pass out moment. For those who know me well I know I don't do well seeing my loved ones in pain, bleeding, ect. and it can cause me to feel like I'm going to pass out. During heat of the moment stuff, such as Boo severing his fingers and lots of blood, I am fine because the adrenaline is pumping through nicely, but when it catches me off guard it's no good. Anyhow back to the original near pass out moment. Monday before school Bea was up on the counter in my bathroom trying to look in her eye, she kept saying something was in there and I thought she was talking about an eyelash so I went to tell her to keep her fingers away from her eye. Just as I walk in she has her lower lid pulled down of the left eye and is is looking to the right and up, and I seen it! What is it you ask? It must've been were the Dr detached the muscle from her eye and moved it as it was a lumpy indention looking spot on her eyeball! I can't even describe it, it was intense! So that night I asked Mr. B if he wanted to see it, and of course being curious he did. After he seen it he wished he hadn't so I'm glad it wasn't just me! I thought about trying to take a picture of it but I can't...I just can't force myself to look at it again! Trust me you wouldn't want to see it anyway! Today at the Dr. appt I will not be watching her if she exams that part of the eye!
Well I guess it's back to the grind of schoolwork, I had a nice little blogging break but I need to keep focused on getting this paper D-O-N-E! Wish me luck! :D

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Trip to the Zoo
When Bea was in Dothan on Thursday having eye surgery done, her Kindergarten class was taking a field trip to the zoo. We told her that we would take a family field trip to make up for her missing it with her class, and even better she got to share it with her grandparents. After letting her rest Friday, we decided to take her on Saturday. She wore her sunglasses the whole time and even a hat for part of it to keep the sun out of her sensitive eyes. Thankfully it was an overcast day so she didn't have to wear it all day.
This was her first trip to the zoo as we've been living overseas for the past 5 years and did not live near a zoo. She had a fun time looking at all the animals but was tired by the time we were almost done with the zoo. We quickly wrapped up the tour and headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ixtapas, for dinner.
Here are pics from the day...

Bea with her hat and glasses
Bea checking out a duck
Bubby checking out a snake
Our map reader, Bea
Little Miss Bea

Bea and Bubby
Mr. B with the kids
The kids with Paw Paw and Maw Maw

Bea and Paw Paw checking out the giraffes
Boo checking out the giraffes, he did NOT want to come to the zoo...guess it's not cool, LOL
Spider monkey with her baby

White tiger taking a nap