These pics & video were taken by Bubby the past few days as we watched the jets practice for the air show this weekend. Some of them are surprisingly good for his little Canon Powershot!
Ok, I gotta admit that it seems weird to say '30' and have it mean my age, both because I've felt 30+ for MANY years and also because it seemed like I would be in my 20's forever, LOL! Bubby told me I could be 28 today and we'll start counting down for everyone's birthdays LOL. But me being 30 only means that Mr. B will be another 30+ yr old this year, LOL!
I had an absolutely AMAZING day today! I am so blessed and God really took care of me this birthday!
The day started with gifts from the kids & Mr. B, early this morning.
Bea was first, she gave me a box with assorted goodies as listed below:
A cute card with a bag of Hershey kisses taped to it that had $5 of her allowance in it!
A half eaten roll of bubble tape-she said she knew I couldn't eat it for a few years (because of my braces) but that I could save it until then, LOL!!
And a cough drop :p
I love that girl!!
Bubby bought me at gift at Walgreen's the other day. He had it rigged up taped and in a sock so that he could attach it to Mac's collar to have him bring into the room for me. It was a glass unicorn! Thanks, Bubby!
Boo provided a card that Mr. B had entrusted in his care which he has kept hidden for me for many months now. Thanks Boo for being the card keeper, it's helped to make the occasions even more special!
Mr. B & the kids got me a Pandora bracelet with 4 charms, I absolutely love it as each charm represents something dear to my heart!
My Pandora bracelet
The charms are:
Everlasting Love (hearts all around): First true love found me
Bible: Then God found me
Butterflies: For all the signs God's been sending me
Forget Me Knot (sliver knot): For all the friends I've made through this journey that I will never be able to forget!
Then after dropping off the kids at school I was able to run some errands before heading to the SPA!
Yes, I said SPA! And best of all it was FREE! I was blessed to receive a haircut AND pedicure as well as a catered lunch! I also got to meet some new ladies as well. The best part of all was what happened when I got my haircut. Basically the woman who cut my hair is so highly sought that you have to book her 9 months in advance, I just happened to be in here care today. She decided to come in today as she heard that our group would be there. As we got to talking we realized how small of a world it is as her daughter and Boo happen to go to the same school. Then we started talking about church and she told me that they have been thinking about changing Churches and just happened to visit our church last Sunday. We spent the rest of the time talking about how God is working in our lives, it was really amazing! I know that God was the coordinator of all of this! That was worth the trip to the spa in itself!
So, yes I got my hair CHOPPED off, about 11-12 inches of it. It will be sent to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths to make a wig for a child with cancer. My head feels much lighter and a child will benefit from the weight I've carried around on my head the past 2 years.
Here is my new hair style:
While at the spa I also ate a yummy lunch catered by O'Charley's!
Then I headed to finish errands and pick up the kids. I checked them out early and we got to see the jets practicing for the air show tomorrow. We also stopped at DQ and picked up a birthday cake.
As I drove home I was considering what to make for dinner. We get home and Bubby checks the mail and in it is a birthday card, personalized by Poppie & Omah, and a GC for Texas Roadhouse, so guess where we had dinner?! I made the kids promise to not tell the waitress it was my birthday! It got to the point where I had to threaten their allowance if they told, LOL!! I was so NOT having someone singing to me!!
I have also gotten several awesome packages in the mail this week from other family members & friends, I feel so loved! Thanks everyone for thinking of me!!
We are now home and getting ready to eat some DQ cake...I can't wait...the desert is always my favorite part ;p
Bubby's been using his camera to take some pictures this Spring Break. Since we have moved he's been able to participate in the weekly photography club at the Youth Center and he's really been enjoying it! So here are a few of his pictures he's taken:
He actually got some good 'action' shots of Boo with his camera...something I know that's not super easy...even using my camera...
Yesterday, St. Patrick's Day, we headed to the bowling alley with some friends. Here are some pics:
E making a face for his buddy, Mr. B
Bubby bowling
Umm...E...your supposed to throw the ball down the lane...not the gutter! LOL! It got stuck between the bumper and the gutter rail
Bea and V, her BFF here in AL, these 2 girls are hilarious together!
Bea getting ready to throw it down the lane
Bubby watching the ball go down the lane...must be acting like Mr. B again as I've NEVER seen anyone on my side of the family do this...LOL!!
Ms. B & I
E and his buddy Boo. The other nite Bea was headed over to stay the nite with V, and E asked for Ms. B to call me and ask if Boo could stay the nite too, LOL!!
Bea's been begging for a haircut since August, today I finally gave in. Truthfully the past few weeks it's been getting pretty tangled since it was so long, so it was needing a cut. She wanted it shorter than I did but I let her cut it short anyways. I remember last time I missed being able to braid it, ect when it was short but I know it'll grow fast, and she LOVES it.
She does look super cute with it long or short, the ladies at the shop were saying the short hair makes her look so grown up...sigh. Here are some pics :)
Why is it that my family and I always have to learn (ie experience!) all kinds of crazy and unusual things?! We never have to worry about having a dull moment around here, that is for sure!
Did you know that you can text a phone to DEATH? We recently found that out as Boo slide his phone out to text on the keypad and it literally broke into 2 pieces in his hands! Imagine his turmoil as the severed phone kept going off with text messages and finally calls and voice mails and he had NO access to even see them or respond, I mean seriously we couldn't even turn it down or OFF! I hoped the battery would die fast and put him out of his misery, LOL!
Thankfully Mr. B decided to get the optional insurance for all the phones and I was able to get him a replacement one within a few days, and it only cost me $50! Sure it stinks that I had to pay $50 for this cheap phone that can't even handle the texting capabilities of a 13 yr old kid, but had we not had the insurance it would've cost $250! So I'm thankful for the little things in life, LOL!
The phone closed looking 'normal'
It should just be slid up, but nope the darn thing decided to literally sever itself in half! I guess it got sick and tired of being texted on all the time!
Future note to self, if you have texting crazy teen-stay away from the LG Rumor as they apparently are pretty wimpy!
I can hardly wait to see what our next little 'life lesson' will be, at the rate it's going I'm sure it's going to be another fun one, LOL!
The days are flying by and all becoming one big blur...which is both good and bad at the same time. I feel like I'm struggling to keep afloat with daily life, things like laundry, and even checking my email (Outrageous, I know!) while working full-time. We race home from school to get homework & afternoon chores done, scramble to fix dinner, and head up to bed. I head up when the kids do to wind down for the night, as 5:30 am is NOT a fun time to wake up every morning. Not to mention the medicine that the Dermatologist has me on for my 'mutant' rash makes me so sleepy! (Long & scary story that I won't terrorize ya'll with, LOL!) I am so looking forward to Spring Break next week and having things go in 'slow motion' for a bit. I feel like there is so much I need to get done and yet so little time to even attempt trying to get it done!
Hence the hit and miss blog posts lately, I am struggling to keep up, and feeling like the blur leaves little to post's to hoping I catch glimpses of a 'still frame' that I can in turn tell ya'll about!
Jesus, and ATE him! I don't think that's what they mean when they say "you need to get some Jesus in you!" LOL
Thankfully nothing can destroy or separate us from the REAL Jesus:
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Ok so it really wasn't 'fun' per say but it sure was productive!
Bea is now the proud owner of her first front tooth in a baggie and a jack-o-lantern smile!
It sure was a learning process for both her and I as this is normally Mr. B's department!
I even tried to get out of it by offering to ask Boo to pull it for her, LOL! She told me she wasn't sure that I would be able to do it because I didn't have 'big hairy fingers' ROFL!!! I told her I wasn't sure big hairy fingers were required to pull out a tooth and regardless neither Boo nor I had any to offer, LOL!
So I get the floss on and she asks, don't you have something to distract me? So I turn on the Disney channel and she tells me to pull it while she's watching TV. I'm thinking how in the world am I gonna pull this tooth out? Needless to say I'm not big on seeing my kiddos in pain, and often it involves me passing out or near passing out, so I was weary of attemping this feat! I finally muster up the nerves, close my eyes, and pull like all get out!
The tooth pops out and I hear it hit the wall! I tell Boo to bring up the flashlight so we can find it and as soon as he walks in my room I see it lying on the floor right by my foot, success! I pulled the tooth and she's now wiggly tooth free, it's been bothering her the past few days, especially when eating certain things.
Now that I've done it and checked it off my list of things I hope to never have to do again, I'll pray that the other wiggly one stays in until Mr. B is able to pull it!
I am married to my wonderful husband, Mr. B, who is in the US Air Force, currently at 17 years of service.
We have three great kids: Boo 16, Bubby 12, and Bea 10.
We are currently stationed in Montgomery, AL and will be moving back overseas to Spangdahlem, Germany in Nov. 2013!
We have lived in Keflavik, Iceland and Misawa, Japan and met some amazing friends along the way! I love posting about our wild traveling adventures. We are excited to see what God has in store for us ahead!
I am a DONA certified labor doula and LOVE helping moms have a great birth experience. Also a certified professional photographer and look forward to working on and developing my skills. I'm also crazy busy working on endless projects inspired by endless craft ideas found on the Internet :)