Decorating Made Fun
Yesterday I really started thinking that we needed to decorate our 'plain jane' bathroom. It was just stuff we threw in there mismatched to make it functional, but now 5 1/2 months in it was ready for a facelift. I have always wanted to decorate using my own photographs but somehow have never found the time to do so....until today.
Last night I decided I was going for a Japanese theme feel in the bathroom as I'm really missing Japan and I thought what a perfect opportunity to use some of my photos from Japan! So I ran to Wal-Mart and grabbed a rug, hand towel, and a collage photo frame and viola! It looks great! I'd still love to find some Kanji characters to put on the mirror and I do need to print my cherry blossoms in color and frame for the room, but it looks much better than before. And all of the decor will easily be moved to the next house/bathroom when the time comes.
Here are some pictures of my 'project'

My mom sent this neat book for Christmas called Hello, Cupcake! and I let Bubby pick out some cupcakes to make today during their Spring Break. And of course he picked a dog one, which we have now called our 'pupcakes' It was fun making them! We'll have to try another design when we get a free minute. Christy I bet you would love these! :D
This week has been fairly productive, although as I posted on Facebook trying to get homework done with the younger 2 home is like trying to do a cartwheel in a tornado! I decided to take 'one for the team' and stay up until 11:30 pm to get the majority of my work done. I spent a few hours on Tues finishing this week's work up and was able to take off Wed to spend with the kids and most of today. Plus the kids have done TONS of crafts this week, so they have been VERY happy :) Next week should be much more quite with only Boo home for his Spring Break.
I really want to do better blogging but truthfully despite all the accidents around here, things are fairly dull and my extra time is consumed by homework. It's not like we're going on all these fun and exciting outings like we did in Japan, so really there is not much to post about. I guess I do need to finish my Iceland posts but I need to get motivated again to do that...sigh...
I am amazed at how fast the time seems to be going and am both excited and not excited to get to the end of the year where we have some major events taking place. With the biggest 'mark' being our 1 yr here in AL (Oct) and hopefully only 1 year left! Please, oh Please!
Hope everyone else is having a dog gone good time during their Spring Break ;)


Bubby with his Pupcake

Bea with her Pupcake

Bubby & Bea
Why, Oh Why Is There A Pain In My Eye?
Well Bea's eye to be more specific....
Yesterday about 45 mins before school got out Bea was cleaning up and she accidentally poked/paper cut her EYEBALL! They took her to the nurse but she couldn't open her eye (too painful and watering too much) and she was crying. They called me to come get her and luckily I was just outside in the massive carpool line.
It was so sad when I seen her, her whole eye was red including the outside around it. She couldn't open either eye because if she opened her good one the other one tried to open as well. Her eye was constantly watering. She cried in the car for an hour during our car run to pick up the kids and finally wore herself out enough to fall asleep. I called the Dr. to try to determine if I should take her in to look at it or not.
When we got home I carried her in and she woke up an was still fussing about the pain and not being able to open the eye, so we made her a temporary eye patch like the school nurse suggested. I had also researched it online (imagine that!) and found that eye cuts/abrasions/scratches generally heal within 48 hours and eye patching would help.
After watching cartoons for an hour with her eye patch she took it off and we were excited to find that she could now open her eye! It was still very red and watering but not as bad as before. So I decided to see how it goes overnight, this morning she is doing great and has no pain!
I guess if anything bizarre can happen it's gonna happen to us...
Here are some pics of my poor baby girl yesterday, don't mind the crazy hair, she had took it out after school and put a headband in and I wasn't going to make her fix it feeling so bad

Her poor eye

Our temporary eye patch, although she wanted to know where the string was like a pirate's eye patch, LOL!
Read Like You've Never Read Before!
Wow! So now I can see why most Graduate students only take 1 class at a time, check out my reading load for my next 2 classes:

Yep, your correct that is 9 (NINE) book, 1 DVD, Plus online PowerPoint presentations to view, all in 8 weeks time frame! Even for me who LOVES to read, I think this will be a challenge. And it's not like you get to just 'read' them you have to write 4+ page summaries, ect...
Initially I decided to double up so I could be done by Dec 2009. The first 2 classes were okay together even despite Bill's surgery and injury which added new tasks to my life during the courses. I think the worst part was making myself get motivated to write the Two 20 page papers for the final week, one for each class!
Now I'm starting to wonder if finishing by Dec 2009 is such a big deal after all? I guess we'll see how these next 2 go and if not I can space them out a bit, but I really don't want to do that!
So much for "Spring Break" looks like I'll be starting tomorrow to get ahead in the classes since they really start Monday the 16th.
I know I've been bad blogging lately but hey if you were dealing with all this craziness you would be too ;) I hope to get some pics of the kids on here soon during their Spring Break, which by the way we have 2 of! Since the kids are in 2 different schools we have 2 different Spring Breaks!
Until Next Time....
Mr. B's Surgery Reveal
Ok so we cheated and took the bandages off a bit early, they were supposed to come off tomorrow, but Mr. B is really wanting to take a shower tonight and I would too if I were him. Thankfully after Boo's surgery I handled the bandage removal with ease and didn't even get lightheaded (unlike in the hospital when I was trying to get Mr. B ready to head home...thought they were gonna have to wheel us both out for a minute!). Although there is a little swelling, which is normal and to be expected, the rest looks great! And truthfully he feels great and is really been quite mobile, to our surprise. He got in trouble yesterday with me for moving heavy furniture...darn men are hard to make sit still for a minute or two! He should be back at work on Monday (also the day of suture removal, the whole 3 of them, LOL!) but he just told me he wants to go back Friday, we'll see how it goes!

Bracing ourselves for the worst.....

Our first look

Close Up View

Only 3 little incision holes with 1 stitch each

Don't ya just love the shaved leg?! I totally forgot they would even have to shave it! Here it is side by side with his 'good' leg, you can see the swelling. And NO he does not wear 'short shorts' they are pulled up for photo purposes

Snow in AL?!
Yep that's right we have snow in AL this morning! An oddity for sure, but somehow I'm not surprised. Last time we were here for 4 years and seen snow once, yet this time we've only been here for 4 months and already experienced snow...I can see how things are going to go this time!
Thankfully it's still pretty warm and it looks like the snow is melting fast, which is good. If AL drivers have a hard time driving in rain I can only imagine what the roads are like with snow!
The kids are out enjoying the snow which is just right for making snowballs, nothing like a little snowball fight before church :)
~On another note Bill will be having surgery around 7:15 am tomorrow morning (March 2nd). I'll update after surgery.
My 2 classes are getting ready to end March 6th and I'll have a short break until my next 2 start March 16th and right now I'm REALLY looking forward to the break! One 20 pg Research paper down, 1 to go!
Here are some pictures out the front of the house