Don't ya just love moving into a new house and finding all the new obstacles to overcome to successfully live there? Despite living amongst the chaos of unpacking I have also encountered several other obstacles, which I have taken pictures of for y'all...why you truth so I'll have something to blog about today, LOL! ;p
Dinner tonite, made despite all the obstacles of the 'new to us' house
Clock/Timer on the stove, I pray each time it will successfully go off without burning our food! I need to buy a counter top one soon just to make sure.
Our jacket up window, see the tilt and misplaced screen? Which by the way is only open because Bea burnt the snot out of a golf ball sized piece of pizza in the microwave! I mean it literally burnt through the Styrofoam plate and stunk up the whole house. Thankfully (I guess) the fire alarm didn't go it either wasn't that bad or they don't work....humm guess I'd better check that one out...
Our refrigerator opens on the left side, so you have to step into the living room to get items out and bring back into kitchen after door is shut..yes, this can be annoying but the biggest obstacle is that the door does not want to stay shut! It pops open all the time, especially when you close the freezer or don't push it shut tight! Maintaince came out today and has no idea why it's doing that as the gasket is fine...they'll come back in a few days and figure it out or give me a new one...gotta love it!
The washer/dryer hook up is also backwards here, so now the dryer is on left and washer on right, probably not that big of a deal with top loading but with front loading it can be tricky...
It can be quite the feat to wrangle the wet clothes over the 2 doors and into the dryer, I tell you this should be an Olympic sport!
And despite having to overcome these obstacles I am so thankful for all that we are provided as I realize that we are very blessed and it could be MUCH worse...I'll spare y'all the bug-like maggots in the cabinet story ;)
Yesterday was Bea's last cheer leading practice/game for the basketball season. While she was sad that it's over (as she LOVED it!) she's happy that she'll be starting dance here in the next week or so. I'm so excited that now that we're on base the kids can partake in the activities offered at the Youth Center, plus it's a whole minute from our house!
Bea looks forward to Friday & Saturday nights as those nights she's allowed to snuggle with me in my bed, on school nights it's back to her bed. Truthfully, I enjoy these nights too as I know it will be all too soon when she won't want to snuggle anymore, so I enjoy it while I can!
We are in the 'new to us' house on base! Not unpacked, but moved nonetheless! Now it's a mad dash to get unpacked and organized as I start a 6 wk long term subbing job (so I'll be working full-time) on Monday! Talk about pressure, LOL!
The house is a bit filthy in the crooks & crannies so that slows things down as it creeps me out and I have to deep clean while I unpack, sigh, but it could be much worse.
The worse part is that I'm also trying to get the old house ready to turn back in to the realtor so we can get untied from it, and all this cleaning, unpacking, ect is killing my back, my still sore ribs, and leaving me so tired I'm ready for bed at 6 pm, LOL!
It was so crazy to go grocery shopping yesterday and come home with the groceries and have nowhere to put them cuz of the chaos...but we so needed the food! I am sick of eating out so I'm determined in spite of the chaos to cook each night, last night we had tacos...Boo was able to rummage around the chaos and find me a pan to cook the hamburger in, LOL!
Here are a few (I wouldn't torture you with all of the chaos, LOL!) pics of the chaotic state we are currently living in (but hopefully NOT for long as it's driving me batty!!) be glad that you are not here to live in it, LOL!
Living room, or will be when I can 'find' it
Other half of living room, faring a bit better
Dining room...the table is under there somewhere...
Kitchen, my own personal form of torture...I hope it gets resolved soon!
Hallway closet & Hall upstairs...I just want to shut the door and pretend like nothing is in there...maybe we won't miss it and I can throw it all away?! LOL!!
Bea's room, for the most part it just needs a few boxes undone (which may or may not actually go in her room, to yet be determined...I haven't had the strength to look!) and her closet needs organized. Nothing like all of us on a clothing frenzy in the morning trying to find something to where from the 4 closets and MANY clothes heaps, Oh the JOYS of moving, LOL!
So this little snow is what all the fuss has been about, what almost the whole city and surrounding cities have closed down for....only in AL I tell ya!
Mac loving the snow
Move for this weekend is off :( Right now I'm shooting for Monday but at this rate I'll be happy if we get to move at all!
I had an "I hate snow party this morning" and successfully took apart all of the kids beds, yipee! Now I only have mine left and it should be pretty easy. Taking a short break before I tackle that one.
Bea & Bubby are outside making a snowman, funny to think that a snowman is being made here in AL...and of course on this weekend of all weekends!
As of now I haven't had to unpack anything just yet, friends are providing lunch & dinner, I found a few towels and we all have an extra pair of underwear! So all is good for now.
is also currently known as my present you ever have days, weeks, months, years that you encounter trial after trial, thorn after thorn, and storm after storm? It seems to be at an all time peak here for me, yet I continue to praise God who is carrying me through it all.
I've included a song I am currently enjoying as well, my favorite part is:
There's a raging sea Right in front of me Wants to pull me in Bring me to my knees So let the waters rise If You want them to I will follow You I will follow You I will follow You
I will swim in the deep 'Cuz You'll be next to me You're in the eye of the storm And the calm of the sea You'll never out of reach
God, You know where I've been You were there with me then You were faithful before You'll be faithful again I'm holding Your hand
Currently the biggest issue causing a muck in my life is the predicted "Snow of all snows" here in AL. Imagine that, just happens to be the weekend that I'm supposed to move. Funny, I think not....ok I'll admit it is a little humorous, but that's only because without humor all sanity would be lost, LOL! So now my moving fate rests upon whether I can get the house key tomorrow, if it were up to the state of AL it would be a big ole fat no, as they are all scared and closing everything down. Thankfully it rests upon the decision of the military, who is much hardier than these Alabamians.
So right now it's just 'hurry up and wait' which us military folks are used to. I think tonite I'm going to have a "I hate snow party" with the kids and continue packing and my even disassemble some beds....I know adventurous right?! Truthfully the move rests upon God, He has got the whole thing worked out, its just me as a mere human that's left hanging in suspense. Sure, I'm a bit irritated about the possibility of NOT moving, as it means that the 3 hours my friends and I put in packing this AM would be worthless as I'd have to unpack half of it to survive another week here...we literally packed up EVERYTHING, including all silverware, linens, ect in anticipation of starting the move tomorrow....sigh. I mean I even packed up our underware for crying out loud! I did it to be nice so everyone helping would not have to view our undies, and now I'm going to have to go fish them out if we get stuck here for more than 2 days!
I've included for your viewing pleasure scenes of our current living room, I feel like one of those hoarders on TV, where you have to make paths through all the stuff! So despite your trials be thankful your not here to crawl through the mess I call life :)
Packing has been coming along, slowly but surely. It was slow moving at the first part of the week due to my ribs not wanting to cooperate, but thankfully on Thurs some friends came over and I was able to make myself (and them) tackle the most intimidating areas. Now that those are wrapped up I feel much better.
I do admit I work best when under pressure or the presence of an imminent deadline, whichfortunately this week will provide both as I get the key Friday and will start moving and getting ready for the 'big move' on Sat.
The house looks like a tornado has gone through it, thankfully it really doesn't bother me, although I will say I will be so happy to have a much smaller house to keep under wraps!
Here are some pictures from the process :)
My color coding system
I hope the word 'glass' will keep my helpers from throwing or drop kicking the boxes...LOL!
I am married to my wonderful husband, Mr. B, who is in the US Air Force, currently at 17 years of service.
We have three great kids: Boo 16, Bubby 12, and Bea 10.
We are currently stationed in Montgomery, AL and will be moving back overseas to Spangdahlem, Germany in Nov. 2013!
We have lived in Keflavik, Iceland and Misawa, Japan and met some amazing friends along the way! I love posting about our wild traveling adventures. We are excited to see what God has in store for us ahead!
I am a DONA certified labor doula and LOVE helping moms have a great birth experience. Also a certified professional photographer and look forward to working on and developing my skills. I'm also crazy busy working on endless projects inspired by endless craft ideas found on the Internet :)