Still Here...
I'm still here, just been super, crazy busy lately!
Hopefully this week I can get back on track because it's been a wild few weeks, which truthfully is good because they have been FLYING by ;) Although I have been missing Mr. B, who has been getting to 'play' at training
Went to an eWomen conference in Birmingham with some friends this weekend and had a great time! I even stayed up until 4:45 am on Friday...and got a whole 1 hour of's been a long time since I've done that, LOL! And of course while I was gone Bub's eyes had to magically swell up...
and so he sent me this picture. Thankfully it was resolved with some Benadryl.
The 'big dog' speaker was Sarah Palin
her non-scripted stories were pretty good but her speech was sounding too much like a Dr. Seuss book to me, not sure if it was the lack of sleep and being delirious or not, LOL!
Then got back late Sat night and headed to pick up the kids and then the pup, thanks to amazing friends who stepped up to watch them so I could still go to the conference.
Bea woke up early Sun morning with a stomach bug, and she literally slept the day away. My poor foodie couldn't even eat a cracker :( And she was so sick she didn't even want to watch tv. So we hung out in my bed where she slept and I cat napped throughout the day. Thankfully around 5:30 pm she started to round the corner and was finally able to eat something.
Back to the 'grind' this week :)
Sayonara Tin Grin!
After 2 years and 3 months I finally said Good-bye (Sayonara) to my Tin Grin!
While it really wasn't a bad experience (and truthfully it was pretty easy and not very painful for the most part!) I was glad to be 'done' and ready to move on. I have a retainer I have to wear 24/7 (except while eating) for the next 2 months and truthfully I think that may be the 'worst' part. I also have a permanent upper and lower wire so my teeth don't move outta place.
This was the before....
Then there was this....
The before pics taken by Bub
I'll be glad to get rid of all these extra supplies!
And now my Million dollar smile...ok Thousands of dollars smile ;)
The after pics taken by Bea
With retainer...
And rocking our short new haircuts with Bea
Oh by the way did I tell you that Bub got a haircut too...cuz he did
Before, don't you just love it when you tell them to smile and you get 'this'
Beiberized ;p
Bea's Haircut
Exciting day today, in addtion to getting my braces off (blog tomorrow still have to take 'after' pics) we finally got Bea's hair cut!
And guess ended up being a whooping 13 inches for donation as well!
She's loving her short new do :)
Look how long!
Short & sassy ;)
Her hair grows as fast as mine!
Feeling Punchy?
I am! I mean for punch that is!
I've been wanting a punch bowl for quite awhile now and today when I found this beauty at the thrift store for $14, I couldn't pass it up!
I'm going to be googling/pinteresting some punch recipes so the kids and I can try it out very soon ;) I also scored a bundt cake pan at Target the other day for 70% off...have to give that whirl to go with the punch. Look out Mr. B my culinary skills are slowly evolving, LOL! (And no we won't mention how many years it's taken!)
And I also scored this little basket which I plan on re-purposing very soon....
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
or gone Today rather....
Yep, over 12 whopping inches of thick, heavy hair gone from my head! It's been 2 years since the last haircut, so it's a bit overdue ;)
Before Photo, and I have NO idea why my camera is making the photos look grainy like that! It's sooooo frustrating!! I noticed it the other day....great one more thing to 'fix'
After! It's a bit shorter than I originally wanted it BUT I'm happy with it. And my head feels SO much lighter :) And to top it all off I even found a good hairstylist who offers military discounts, sweet!
Can't believe that all that was on my head this morning! I'll be sending it to
Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. I figure since I no longer need it someone else can use it, and I just can't throw away that much hair :)
The other night Mr. B & I were driving back from our date and the moon was so bright and low over the downtown area that I wished I had my camera with me to snap some photos!
Instead I had to settle for snapping a few after I got home, I really need some inspiration to do better with taking pictures...I've been such a slacker lately :)
Gigi's Cupcakes
Last Friday I decided that we needed a 'treat' after the crazy week we had, so I decided to bring home a Gigi's cupcake for us.
I've heard they are good but at $3.25 a cupcake I wasn't sure they would be 'that' good. Luckily Gigi's offers a 20% military discount so that made me feel a little better about the purchase ;) But we just HAD to try them before we leave here...I didn't want to leave and not have at least tried one.
The cupcakes
The Little Princess for my Princess
Boo & I got the Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
I got Bub the White Midnight Magic
Ready for eating!
All in all they were Good...but I probably won't buy them again. They were way too sweet for me and and I can make cupcakes myself that fit my sweetness requirements for a tiny portion of the cost. Bub didn't like the frosting, and Bea couldn't even finish hers, still waiting on Boo's verdict.
Ugly Bird Transformed
Remember when I found my '
ugly bird' at a flea market for $2 not too long ago?
Well I finally got around to transforming him into a pretty bird! And I love him!
Ugly bird getting ready to be primed
He already looks so much better with just a coat of primer! But I didn't want him white
Instead I opted for silver with a high gloss finish
Not sure where he'll end up permanently but for right now I'll move him around a few places and find just the right spot...and yes the lamp shade is driving me crazy BUT not enough to re-take the pic ;)
Amazing how you can take a $2 'ugly' find and transform it into something new! The kids were impressed they said it looks like it cost at least $20, LOL!